Saturday 28 April 2018

April 27

Happy Birthday Darian. I cannot believe you are already 26. Man, you think the early toddler years fly by wait until they hit their 20’s! The worst part is you can’t spank them and send them to their room. 

So our last full day in Aberdeen we enjoyed the city. Some shopping, great food and exploring.  Nice way to wrap up the holiday. We pulled an all-nighter so we can, hopefully avoid as much jet lag as possible (well Ryan and I did sneak in 2 hours sleep. It was the best 2 hours imaginable and the worst 2 hours imaginable. We had to leave the house at 3:30 a.m. as our flight left at 6:00 a.m. and we still had to return the Skoda, but good news - NO DENTS! But while we were racing through the streets of Aberdeen in the middle of the night we did see the tell-tail flash of photo radar so I think Scotland is sending me a parting gift - like when you win an Academy Award and you get the gift bag full of Gucci, Prada and Michael Kors goodies, I get a speedy ticket and exchange rate surprises on my Visa. I told Ryan, “that was one more pair of fucking shoes I could have bought!”

Leaving is bittersweet- leaving unbelievable old friends that welcomed us back with open arms, tears for dad and lots of laughs about mom and dad and our time spent living in Scotland. Leaving Dekker on the next part of his own adventure but knowing that him and Megan are traveling together for a little while (and hoping, a little, that he may come home earlier). I relived 1,000 memories and made a 1,000 new ones. Very excited to share a bit of my childhood with my kids and blessed to make new ones with them. Everyone proved to be excellent traveling buddies and we laughed until we cried countless times in the last 2 weeks. We should be getting pretty good at traveling together, at last count we visited:
  • 48 pubs across Scotland (we recounted 8 times and finally agreed on 48 but could have been as high as 50)
  • 9 castles
  • 6 cemeteries 
  • 1 cathedral 
  • 36 pee stops for Ryan while we were touring/shopping
 It excited to get home and see my dogs, my mom, my Jen and get the trailer ready for camping! Woohoo!!!

Thanks for sharing our trip!!

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