Friday 27 April 2018

April 25 and 26

April 25 - Had a bit of a late night on the 24th and then an early (ish) morning so no time to blog. These kids are incredibly hard to keep up to! Dekker, Megan, Mike, Darian, Ryan and I went out for drinks after our Thai/Indian feeding frenzy to a nearby pub at 11:00 at night - and Darian and I  discovered gin. I’ve always hated gin, for the same reason I hated Buckley’s cough syrup - it tastes like you’re licking a tree. But this tree had Prosecco and some other magical ingredients that made it magically delicious. Anyone, one of those and me and the old guy left to home and the kids stayed out to drink. I made them pinkie swear that there would be no midnight graveyard trips without me.

Up on the morning of the 25th, breakfast and off to Edinburgh Castle. Megan had never been either so it was a new experience for all of us. Now I hate to sound like a pretentious asshole but we are at the point that we might be tapped out on castles. It’s not the castles, it’s the tourists. Seriously, I’m going to stab someone in the eye! I know it sounds terrible, but, fucking Asians! Fuckng Asians! Argh! They hork lugies (I’m sorry it is disgusting but 10x’s worse to see!) and spit everywhere. They do not move when you say, “excuse me” and try to get by but no one moves! I was going postal. I did use my advantageous size and incredibly pointy elbows to maneuver my way through the 4’8” mob. I also used my vast vocabulary to express my displeasure. I don’t think there was a single person that was not pissed about this group of tourists. Anyway, good-bye Edinburgh Castle, hello Royal Mile. 

Knocked 4 more pubs off our list (as well as a couple more). Bannerman’s was one of the most questionable pubs I’ve ever been in - it looks like it was invaded by Vikings 1,000 years ago and the never left - just started listening to Death Metal. Needless to say we did not stay for a drink because it would have been followed by a mandatory tetanus shot. Then to the Voodoo lounge which was very nice (we convinced the boys it was a lesbian bar because there was only ladies in there), we tried to get into the Royal Cafe but it was packed and we could not wedge ourselves in there. Then to the Abbotsford and I would like to describe it but I cannot remember it. There was at least one pub in between each of the Bucket List pubs. 

Thai/Indian left overs for supper and the kids played cards (yet again Ryan and I admitted defeat and went to bed).

April 26 - leaving Edinburgh. And Dekker and Megan. 😞 I’m very happy that Megs is here with Dekker (they are headed to England to explore) so parting wasn’t quite so sad. Ryan, Mike, Darian and I headed north. Had a delicious breakfast of chips, chocolate bars, gummy bears and beer and enjoyed the drive. Stopped at Stonehaven for lunch at the Tolbooth (it was closed when we in Stoney earlier). Got to our cottage in Aberdeen and I’m not going to explain it until tomorrow’s post but you have to see it to believe it! 

Some touring through Aberdeen. Visited our first cathedral, and in my opinion, the best - St. Machars Cathedral. It was built in 1191 and is breathtaking. Legend has it William Wallace’s left arm was sent here after his execution. A very different city than Edinburgh but still beautiful. Much less walking and NO HILLS!! 

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