Saturday 21 April 2018

April 18

My iPad will only hold a charge for 1 1/2 maybe 2 hours so, I know what you’re all thinking...ghosts. I’ve watched enough Most Hunted to know that they drain the batteries on electrical equipment. Damn it! Do they not know I’m try to catch up on my blogs?!

So on the 18th we decided it was a distillery tour day (which meant I could drive! Finally!! So excited about the ability to terrify everyone collectively). Started out at the Glen Livet distillery. Very cool and I can only imagine the satisfaction of enjoying a wee dram at the actual distillery but nay, I cannot find it in me to enjoy the taste of Scotch. Or the smell. Vodka or wine for me thank you very much. Unfortunately we could take no photos so I will take the time to share the experience: smells like Granma Jean’s house when she was making moonshine. I think all she needed to finish the product to a fine drink was the wooden kegs. The boys all seemed to enjoy it. Dekker did the Jamieson tour in Ireland so he was familiar with the process. 

Another thing I have decided - I think I want sheep. I told Dekker that he needs to get a job as sheep shearer so he can take care of that part. And maybe a couple chickens. I have to sit Turk and Riggs down and give then a serious talk about animal management. On second thought maybe I’ll just keep going to the grocery store and watching Planet Earth - same thing, less work. 

Back to our distillery tour - we then visited McAllen Distillery. We got there too late for a tour but the boys did have tasting there. There was laughter and scotch bought so I’m assuming it was a success. 

On the way home we stopped and saw some Pictish stones that were 500 A.D. and then home to homemade roast beef and more cards. 

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