Saturday 21 April 2018

April 21

Oh. My. God. 5 posts in 1 day. It is like cramming for an exam. Don’t tell my mom -this is how I made it through high school and college. 

Today is a little anti-climatic. We had a gloriously lazy day. Darian, Mike and Dekker went hiking. I blogged (not sure if you know each blog takes me about an hour - it is difficult to get all the voices in my head to work together). Ryan and I did go for about a 5km hike (Darian keeps correcting me - in Scotland it is not hiking it is hill walking). Ry and I walked from behind our house back into the hills - amazing. Honestly amazing. Rugged and desolate. 

But I need to address a couple Scottish issues:
  • There is no ice to be bought on this entire island. Anywhere. When you ask for ice in the stores or gas stations they look at you like you are insane. I was asked to repeat my question. Ice for fuck sales. Frozen water. Seriously.
  • Wine glasses. Smallest wine glasses I’ve ever seen. 3 sip wine glasses. Where oh where is Big Karl?! Oh for a wine glass that I don’t need to fill every 3 minutes. On a side note: Mcguigan wine? WTF Karl?! Are you holding out?!
  • Not being able to buy cases of beer - only singles?!
Also, I apologize for my unbelievable, uncontrollable hair. Granted my hair on a good day is barely passable, I usually look homeless and electrocuted but on this island it is on a whole new level. Darian and I both burnt out our hair straighteners within the first 2 days so that is a slight excuse. Between my frizziness and the wind I look like Mufasa. 

K, I promise to not fall so far behind again. Talk to you tomorrow ABOUT tomorrow! 

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