Tuesday 19 September 2017

September 17 and 18

Okay, I'm sure everyone understands after seeing the 16th video that the 17th was an almost A.F.D. (Alcohol Free Day)....almost. We had a wonderful day - visited The Crazy Horse monument (unbelievable) and then Mount Rushmore (which would have been impressive had we not just seen Crazy Horse).

I can't believe that in the U.S. That someone can say, "Let's carve a face in that mountain" - in Canada you would be strung up and quartered (please see my mid-July rant about the mother fucker that would not let me park at the Lake Louise overflow). These crazy Americans. They also call Indians - Indians. Not First Nations or Indigenous or what ever we call them. Seriously? If I was an Indian then I'm an Indian. I'm white - not Light Skinned or Of European Descent. Totally on a side note - I'm dying to do the Ancestry.com DNA test. I swear to God if I'm at all Indian I'm going have people identify me as such. But what if I was French - shit. I would lie to you all. Also - no garbage in the ditches. Nice. And they all love Trump. 

Sorry, I got distracted. We had a late supper then home for a quick game of cards and then bed because we had to be up and out of the house by 7:30 - big day of driving.

Out of the house by 7:32. This is again why we have to limit the party. The six of us are a well oiled machine. Such a long day. Before I go on I have to acknowledge the beauty of the Black Hills. Breathe taking. Seriously, you have to see it. Loved the drive. Wyoming too is pretty impressive but I think the Black Hills of South Dakota are hard to compete with. (Don't worry Oregon- you are still my favourite state). Then Colorado- glad to see the Rockies again but I have composed a short letter to Denver.....

Dear Denver,

I hope I never see you again.

Yours truly,
Stacy Ingham

Wow, just wow. I will NEVER again complain about Deerfoot in rush hour. I will giggle and wave at fellow drivers. Blowing kisses and waving at everyone. Slowing down to let drivers in front of me. God Calgary I love everyone of you frustrated rush hour commuters. You're adorable. Denver, you sick, twisted Motherfuckers should  ever be allowed behind the wheel. An hour and a half of death defying driving. I would rather go through labour, have a root canal and exercise for 20 minutes all in the same day - rather than go through Denver again. 

Then we had to go to our house. I would like to record the drive because describing it would not do it justice. Imagine driving up Baseline Mountain - Old Baseline, not New Baseline - in a Camaro (that your husband may or may not love more than you) that has no clearance in the dark for 5 miles! Honestly, the road is a trail, there is a mere suggestion of a road. But we're excited about waking up to what we think is going to be an amazing view (we are 8,500+ feet high). 

 No pictures until we get to better cell service. 

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