Monday 11 September 2017

September 11

Okay, get ready. Road trip 2017 countdown...3......

Let me first start by acknowledging Jen's Birthday. She is about to reach Level 46 of the Game of Life. I believe that comes with a lifetime supply of merlot, great boobs and a free spin. You go girl ❤️.

Next, although I appreciate everyone's enthusiasm and support of our trip and their expressed interest to accompany us, let me explain. No. I'm sorry but this is just not applicable. Booking houses, restaurants and excursions for more than 6 is near impossible. Nay, nay, truly impossible. This is a trip that requires 110% commitment and $10,000. For real-sesses. It is not for the faint of heart. Not unlike a life-timed plan to the top of Everest (or for the very least Camp1) this is a long, hard road trip that is only enjoyed but the truly, sadistic, motherfuckers that travel hundreds of miles a day that wake up at the crack of dawn to do it again. I refuse to plan for more than 6. Mike drop. Leave the stage. 

So we had our pre-plan meeting/argument/bartering/threatening meeting tonight (and all who know me know"meeting" is not in my vocabulary) about our route. We have decided in stone (or yellow highlighter for Jen and I, green for Brian or blue for Darren and Ryan who cannot stay focused and want to know where Kentucky is). So countdown is on....

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