Wednesday 13 September 2017

September 13

Off on our Fucking Adventure tomorrow......

''Twas the night before the road trip and all through the house
Ryan was yelling "Don't forget your computer and mouse!"
The suitcases were packed and stored by the door 
Anticipating the morn, no snow and foot to the floor

The beer is stored on ice in the cooler
Warm beer - eee gads - there's nothing crueller
Ryan's in the garage and I in the bath
Counting US$ - it's difficult math

I know in the morn there will be such a clatter,
Full tanks of gas is all that will matter
On Brian, on Kim, on Ryan, Darren and Jen
Mimosas for us but none for the men

Ryan will jump in his car - alas - no Camaro
Buck up honey - it isn't an Alero!
Off we will go, smiling and happy....
But have no fear but the end we'll be snappy!

Okay, that's all I've got. Who knew that poem was 90 minutes long!!

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