Monday 17 September 2018

September 14

Whitefish, again great little town. I’m going to become a travel agent to tell you what great places to go to and what to avoid (on my avoid list is Ontario, Oregon and I LOVE Oregon so you know that is saying something) so we walked uptown and had a small shopping excursion (very small, honest) and then headed to Lolo. Now if you have followed our annual road trip you know that Lolo is an mandatory stop on all of our trips. It is not a fancy hotel, it is strives to reach a 3 star rating but it is so much fun. We have had epic parties there. Epic. It is a short drive from Whitefish to Lolo - only 3 hours and that is almost a laughable drive for us.

We stopped at Flathead Brewery in Bigfork, Montana and had wings and a quick beer and said a final goodbye to Momsie, Braunski, Tracy and Ducey. So we are officially starting our trip at this point. Once we turn west to head to Lolo I am almost euphoric- that how great Lolo is. There is 25 miles of amazing road with great views. And we pull into the parking lot and it was full. It’s never full. Never. The first time we pulled in the parking lot Ryan hummed the Deliverance theme song. But not now - this time the parking lot is FULL. Ryan asked me right away if we for sure booked rooms and I said - While I am frantically trying to remember if I did - or Jen did - or Brian did..... In to the hotel and checking in and there is a room for the Williams and for Jess but not for the Walisser’s or the Ingham’s. Ya, that’s right Jen booked rooms for her and Jess and not for her faithful travelling companions. Nope Kim and Brian and Ryan and I are completely planning on sharing a room and you know it would have been a Stepbrothers moment where the boys fight over top bunk/bottom bunk. But we are in luck and and there is two available rooms - thank God. 

So while the Sherpa’s are packing our 800 pounds of luggage (by Sherpa’s I mean our husbands) there is a “lady” that said to Kim (direct quote) - “Hey baby, what kind of food do you have in those bags” and Kim responded - terrified, “Just milk and juice. Nothing exciting” So this “lady” was sharing a room with two, highly questionable men. They all looked like they had just been on a 4,627 day bender and I’m not judging but they were fucked up. Seriously. They are the kind of people that make you think that Walking Dead is probably a reality show. So carried in luggage the long way around so Scary Lady, Possible Hit Man and High Since ‘72 - do not know our room numbers. Unfortunately Jesse was staying in, what we now refer to as Little Chicago. Not the nicest of rooms. But we met in the hot tub (but after we all ran the gauntlet past the Walking Dead outside their room in the plume of Marijuana smoke) to the hot tub where we all enjoyed a soak and a serious talk about who we could lose to the zombies. Sorry Fuzz but we agreed you should be our Human Sacrifice. 

Back to our rooms and got dressed to go to the bar - definition: dressy pyjamas. I swear to God - dressy pyjamas. So last year our fabulous waitresses - Vanessa and Wanda - came back to our rooms and played poker and drank with us have since moved on to greener pastures. Best wishes ladies, you were rock stars. This year we were left with a terrific bartender named.....Anthony. Yes, that’s right Anthony. Now we all agree there is only 1 Anthony in our hearts. There will NEVER be another but this guy was pretty okay. That’s all I have - any other Anthony is just okay. He tried really hard but he was no Vanessa or Wanda. We ate our pub food and then returned to our room for poker.

Now as much light hearted banter as I share on our blog there is 3-4 hours of daily bitching, moaning and complaining. “When are we going to be there?”, “I have to pee”, “I have no cold beer”, “This playlist is shit” are standard comments. But when we play poker it is hard core. So when Kim took Jesse out and he turned to her and said “Well aren’t you Sparkly Fucking” we were all taken aback. He then re-christened her Sparkling McFucky and I have to say it has a certain charm. I think we should now only refer to her as “McFucky....Sparkling McFucky”. 

So, this being Jesse’s first exposure to our ruthlessness and viciousness, he quickly would say, “Vibes, guys, vibes” when we would start getting bitchy. It has stuck- Vibes, guys Vibes is now part of our vernacular. So thanks Jesse! 

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