Thursday 13 September 2018

September 12

Mother Nature, you saucy bitch! You thought you could introduce winter early and it would be alright?! Nae nae. We are like a flock of birds in flight.... snow you say? One day early we say! We rearranged our busy schedules to allow us to leave early. So what does “early” mean to the Rocky Shit Show? Well it means packing 12 hours sooner, calling house sitters earlier, not as much ice in our coolers because the ice machine didn’t have enough time, delaying World Peace because we weren’t ready to reveal our plan yet, ya, that’s right - major rescheduling because our rear-wheel drive cars are not prepared for the 2 cms to 15 feet of snow that was forecasted! What the fuck is with weather predictions? We are either getting Siberian winters or mild Caribbean winters?? Get your shit together Weather Network and El Niño and come up with a real fucking game plan?! My winter clothing/event planning schedule depends on some reliability! 

Anyway, one day added to the Road Trip because of our completely realistic fears of our ability of our back tires. We agreed to meet in Caroline (well.....the Longhorn Saloon) to establish our new game plan. After 3 beer ( only 1 for the drivers - we’re not animals!) we decided to head further south to reconvene and reassess the situation. So 120kms south and we met Clem, Jo, Kyle and Shannon to discuss the logistics of the our escape plan from the early onslaught of pseudo-winter  (we did meet at a pub and had 2 more drinks- none for the drivers!). Sheldon, the lovely bartender made us a delicious shot (I NEVER say that!), then we had a team huddle and realized Mother Nature May have found us because it started to snow 😜❄️⛄️  So jumped back in the cars and continued south. 

So south to our escape for the night. A piece of heaven. The Albertan town that defied an early reminder of the horrors of winter....yes that’s right....,Black Diamond. Our little southern gem, you sexy bitch Black Diamond. I shall hence forth refer to you as Black Plutonium (I watched Back To The Future - I know plutonium is way more precious than diamonds!) we booked 4 rooms above the bar and I highly recommend this hotel. Terrific! Only 3 more hours of solving the world’s problems  and Jesse, Jen, Kim and I turned in at a respectable 3:30. The boys turned in hours earlier. 

It wasn’t until this morning that we realized that we had  neighbors in the hotel. I’m sure they appreciated our loud music and loud voices, we make friends wherever we go! We have to leave our little piece of paradise and carry on. This morning Jen is suffering a bit - apparently 47 is not being kind to her  - I think she peaked at 46.....

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