Wednesday 28 June 2017

June 28

So now that graduation is rolling around again and another set of bright eyed young adults are setting off into the world, or back to their parents basements (I'm not judging) I understand your dilemma.  I am a pseudo mom/friend/confidant/inspiration (just bloody go with me on the "inspiration" part!!) to a few of the grads this year - Cam Williams, Riley Walisser, Ryan O'Toole, Haley Willert, Steph Hazelaar just to name a few. Haley had on her Instagram page - "Graduating in 4 days and yet still don't know what I'm doing with my life" and I wanted to share with her some of my observations.

I am now 46 and I'm still not sure I'm an adult. I thought I would morph into an adult when I turned 18 - nope. 21 - Nope. Married - nope. Had a baby - nope. Bought a vehicle, lost a grandparent(s), got a mortgage, travelled internationally independently, considered a boob job, waxed my armpits, quit a job, went to college, got a career, voted, bitched about the deficit, started an RRSP, started drinking martinis, stopped drinking martinis, started drinking martinis again, got a tattoo….. the list is endless and still NO. I don't think that the goal is adulthood. I think the goal is goodness. Trueness. Integrity. Bad-ass-ness. Dedication. Love. Patience. Forgiveness. Humility. Laughter. Sadness. Joy. These should be your goals - not adulthood. Your girls (and Riley!) are wonderful young people who I enjoy being around and are on the cusp of an amazing future. And fuck being an adult - I have decided it is too much work!!!Best wishes, lots and lots of love and congratulations on your achievement.

And if that didn't make you feel better here is a truly 80's picture of me at graduation….

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