Friday 23 June 2017

June 23

Things that I appreciate now that I am 41......ish........

1. Being a parent. Who knew it was this hard? I thought you just made up some rules and kids just happily follow them. Well that is how I was - Scott was a TOTALLY different story! ;-). My kids are pretty great. It only took 48,874 spankings, 829 hours of grounding and more threats than a Donald Trump interview.
2. Ryan. He does put up with a lot is shit. Not from me. But quite a bit from Jennifer.
3. My friends. The older you get the better they get. Love you bitches - all of you.
4. Coffee. Pretty much the only reason I get out of bed, unless I have a hangover, then
 thank you Lord Jesus for beer and clam. And Advil and Tylenol and more sleep and a greasy Mushroom burger from Burger Baron (no cheese or bacon if you ever feel the need to buy me one) .
5. Red wine. Merlot, Malbec, Cab Sauv, in a pinch Pinot Noir. And a special shout out to Wine Wednesday (flowed by Martini Thursday). It took me awhile to grow to love red wine, but like a finely tuned athlete that is training for the Olympics, I persevered. I struggled long and hard, both day and night and my dreams were realized - I love red wine.
6. Cheaper insurance. It is still ridiculously expensive just slightly less so. Unfortunately life insurance is more expensive....
7. Laugh lines. Refer to 1, 2 and 3. Some wrinkles are well earned and the lines around my eyes and mouth are from laughing. Sometimes at myself, mostly at myself.
8. Confidence - definitely care much less about what people think. Unfortunately I also lack a filter so pretty much whatever I think comes out my mouth. My inner voice ALWAYS escapes.
9. Not worrying about getting pregnant. Oh Lawdy, this is a good one. Who knew a hysterectomy was such a great idea!? I am sure it is similar to the glorious feeling the Wright brothers had when they took flight.
10. hmmm.....struggling with 10...... Oh ya! I forget everything! It is very convenient when I have done something very embarrassing. Give me 10 minutes and it never happened.

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