Friday 22 March 2019

March 21

Okay - met Raul and a van full of beer and coolers (actually it was only 6 coolers and a case of beer - it literally lasted us for 8 kms) and we were on our way to Telchac. 

We were discussing religion with Raul and he said “Not so many Catholics, lots of Mormons and yews (I speak Spanish - he meant “Jewish”) and Christians”. Then he said that he talked to a man once that said his religion was his family and friends. Which led us to discuss our new religion- The Holy Order of Angelic Voices and Great Choices. It is a bit of a mouthful but I promise it’s a great religion. I’m not sure how you become a tax free entity but that would make our church more legit. We are working on our commandments:

  1. Thou shalt not drink bad wine.
  2. Thou shalt revere P!nk, Kid Rock, Eric Church and Willie.
  3. Thou shalt not do shots.
  4. Thou shalt not do yoga.
  5. Thou shalt not reveal online shopping expenses
  6. Thou shall treat their wives like Goddesses.
  7. Martini Thursdays shall be the Holy Order of Angelic Voices and Great Choices sabbath.
  8. Thou shalt not go to bed before the party is over.
  9. Thou shall always sing as loud as possible (correct words are not necessary).
  10. Thou shall always be willing to play poker for cash.

These are the first draft, still hammering out the final details. I think if we need a leader I am voting for Ricky Gervais or Russell Brand, I think the English accent lends credence to our religion. 

So we headed to Merida for groceries and booze. All 6 of us bundled in the Journey for our journey - two in the front, three in the middle and one in the back - or as we affectionately call it - row28. Got into Merida to Costco - which has a cenote in the parking lot - seriously. Took 2 shopping carts and we filled the top. We then wheeled them out to the Journey and packed them in there. We had a flat of a Prosecco, a flat of Dos Equis, a flat of Pacifico, a case of wine, 24 pack of toilet paper and $800 of groceries - our Holy Lord Ricky Gervais was on our side helping us pack everything in that vehicle. I think that’s the only way we got it all in there - divine intervention. We load back in the vehicle and Fuzz yells to the back of the bus, “Is that fucking Stacy in the vehicle?” He is so mouthy when there is 3 seats, a cooler of veggies and a case of toilet paper in between us. 

We went for supper to a steakhouse and it was like playing Jenga trying to get out of that vehicle without the food and alcohol pyramid crashing down. I had to back out of the vehicle...ass exposed....which Ryan ensured was exposed to everyone. I was birthed by the Journey. 

Back home and we played Riffle. Jen won. $600 pesos for her. Then we played a Jacks for shots (and, incidentally the same time we decided on Commandment number 3) and Mexico loves Jen....she didn’t have to drink any tequila.....but I did....3 shots. 

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