Thursday 22 September 2022

September 22…10:00 in Scotland…

Dear Momsie,

So last post I forgot to mention a few things. Firstly, Jen. She is a little high maintenance. We were having lunch before our flight from Calgary and we were worried about her and her bowel movements. More importantly, her lack of control over her bowel movements. Basically we were worried about her having a, “Whoopsie poopsie”. I did mention Depends. But to be honest, I wasn’t sitting beside her on the plane so it really was more of a Jen problem than a Stacy problem. But good news! Entire flight and no 💩! Actually, all day and no 💩! She’s almost ready to take in public. 
We also found the hash tag for our lives…#teamnokids. But before our children get upset, we love you but we are living our best life! 
I am currently acting as camp leader (NOT camp counsellor!) and with the incredible amount of responsibility I am shouldering I have a binder. Well, The Binder. 
It is very important that I know where the binder is at all times. If we lose the binder then we are screwed. I do have some control over the crew when I have the binder. I am also the financial director. I am carrying the kitty. It is an unbelievably easy job. I have discovered that when you hold the money that they follow you. It worked very well last night when Jen and I went on a pub crawl. More about the pub crawl later. 
Our vehicle rental. I am so sad we didn’t take pictures of this catastrophe. I rented a “mid-size” SUV. We were given a Hyundai Tucson. When the back hatch was opened we all stood in silence, mentally doing the mathematical calculation that was required to fit our four 50lbs suitcases, our two carry ons, 2 large backpacks and The Binder. This is the moment when you know we need a camera crew following us. The boys, God bless them, tried, tried and retried. Jen and I were emotional support in the background. I would like to think our input was perceived as constructional, but in all honesty, it could have been “nagging” or “bitching” as the boys defined it. Anyway, with some quick negotiations we are reassigned with a station wagon. We’re are pretty much 2022 version of National Lampoons European Vacation. Ryan is Clark, Jen is Ellen, Fuzz is Russ and I am Audrey. I know I did mention this in my last blog but I didn’t give it the credence it deserved. 
More about the pub crawl. We walked down to the pub last night, beautiful night - warm with a light breeze. When we walked in and it was quite busy. There was a table beside another couple but the tables were close, like so close we were pretty much eating with them. Naturally, we introduced ourselves and then apologized. They live in Netherly but they lived for 4 years in Calgary. Helen and Keith are our new best friends. I have their phone number. His first question was, “ Are you red necks?” I don’t think I’ve ever been asked that. We all turned and looked at Ryan and answered collectively, “ Yep”. The supper was delicious. I had the creamiest garlicky risotto and cod. We started with mussels for an appie. I think once Keith saw us eating the mussels his question about us being rednecks would have been redundant. We ate the shit out of those mussels. It is all we are talking about this morning. Like I said the boys left us. We went to the pub next door and made friends with George. Kind of friends. He was a bit of a dick. Also, there was a football game on the telly. Ukraine versus Scotland. Scotland was winning (2-0) but I made the mistake of saying, “Poor Ukraine”. Did not go over well. They are very serious about their football. George said, “ You know, when you are visiting a country you should support that team”. I said, “Well Scotland and Putin are cheering.” Anyway, we didn’t last long at that bar. Relative really - “not long” was an hour. Then we headed to the next bar. This is our “Joe” bar. I’m not sure what it is actually called but it was full of older patrons. “Old” is also relative because I think we are all the same age. We were all in our teens when the Berlin Wall came down. We walked in right after the finished their quiz. We were immediately accosted and asked various quiz questions. They were recruiting for tonight’s game and wanted to know our skill level. I answered the Bay City Rollers question correctly and we are now going to the Quiz night tonight. Unfortunately I cannot remember where Quiz night is being held tonight, so, unless they send a car, we might miss it. Jen and I called it a night. We are unsure what time it was because we every watch/phone we have is on a different time zone! 
Okay - Ryan is making a full Scottish breakfast this morning- black pudding, baked beans, fried eggs, bacon and ham and then we are Castle Hunting. I promise more pictures! 

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