Wednesday 21 September 2022

Sept 21

Dear Momsie,

What an adventure! We left Calgary (believe it or not, fairly uneventful!) and we were headed to Amsterdam. 8 hours of bliss, reading and some movie watching and maybe some light napping. We took 2 gravol and a nighttime Advil and up I swear to God, I couldn’t finish my wine. Seriously. I poured my red wine into Ryan’s glass and I dozed off (if you ask any of my travelling companions I “ passed out”) but I had a fucking uncomfortable 7 5/8 hour sleep on our 8 hour journey. Needless to say everyone else slept an average of 45 minutes (roookies) but I can tell you it is currently 12:48 am and everyone else is out cold and I am up writing to you. We arrived in Amsterdam and played 5 games of crib and had a round of small beers, a round of medium beers and around of large beers - Fuzz and I were partners and we lost. I honestly believe if we could have had round of extra large beers we might have taken the championship, but we had to board the plane to Aberdeen. We got on the plane and headed back North. Aberdeen is a second home. Once we landed, I sighed, and knew people I love and who love me are here, my happy place. Well, until we got our rental vehicle. Nope. A Hydia will not do, We Jenga-ed the shit out of that vehicle and our luggage would NOT fit in that vehicle. Back in to the retail store, some slight “negotiations” and we are paying an extra $30/day for a vehicle that is so uncool that Brad Pitt himself would not get laid in. If it wanted to be cool it would be a station wagon, but it isn’t. It is a wanna-be station wagon. But (side note….) Darian, Dekker and Michael - it is from the Skoda family so you know we will be in good hands 🤪 So we are away….to the nearest gas station to fill the front passenger tire with air as it currently is at a healthy 3 pounds. Again, away we are, but Ryan and I had 3 “Fuck you” fights before we hit the A90 route we are looking for bound for Stonehaven. We found our Airbnb and I have to say, we have stayed in 20 VRBO’s and 15 Airbnb’s and this is honestly the coolest, most eclectic Airbnb ever (and it has a bidet)! Fuzz had a 20 minute power nap and Ry, Jen and I enjoyed the moment. Now off to our first castle. Dunottar. I need a minute to address my mom. My momma. My Queen. The woman who made me love castles. And Scotland. And cemeteries. And Jacobities. And Bruce Springsteen. She is the only human being that can connect the dots to all of those things. Love you mom and you are here, every step of the way. And so is dad. Walking up the hill from Dunottar is dad, every step. 
Anyway, tour is over…quick stop at the wine store (£160) and the grocery store and back to the apartment for quick game of cards and the walk to the harbour for supper. Momsie, you know that Ryan struggles to stay awake at the best of times, but at the worst of times (28 hours with no sleep), he is head bobbing at the table. We are all trying to engage him in conversation but, for once, he has nothing to say. Head Bob, eyes rolling back, slight slobber at the side of his mouth and you know if that fucker goes down it is taking a picker and a six man crew to take him to bed. It was touch and go, pretty stressful for everyone but me. I used my old tactic- kick him under the table and tell him to, “Wake the fuck up” - it worked for 12 minutes. He ate then stood up and announced that he was leaving. Poor Fuzz was torn, wanted to back up his buddy, wanted to support Jen and I and also wanted to call it a night. God bless him he stayed with us……for 18 minutes……until we got to the next pub and he left us. I cannot be 100% sure but I think his parting words were, “Fuck you bitches, I’m going home” but cannot swear that in a court of law. It might have been, “Love you ladies, have a great night”. Really - same same, so - us lovely ladies had a great n. 2 more pubs, 4 more life long friends and we made it home. 
I know there were other stories to share, but, unfortunately, I can’t remember them, so I share end here for know.

Yours truly, with much love and affection 

Previously Known As Princess Stacy - Know Queen Stacy.

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