Thursday 6 January 2022

January 6

Firstly, Happy Birthday Clinton Casey. I have to rake a quick side note about our Mexico Adventure to discuss. Y childhood. Clinton was my best friend, my hero, the only other person in the world that my Grandma Jean loved and my cousin. We would fight about who was the oldest. We would fight about who was the quickest, we would fight about who Grandma loved the best - I lost them all…..except who Grandma loved the most 😉. That fucker was the oldest - that bothered me until we turned 30! Then suddenly, I was okay with it! I love you Strawberry! Happy Birthday from Grandma’s favourite!! 

So today…. Day 2198 of COVID. We are all okay and we are all no longer contagious. But suddenly we have new problems….. I will attach photos. 

So… we have an issue. I think I poop too big of poops. I think Mexico is not ready for my bowels. The Mayan culture existed for 3,000 years but ended at a Stacy poop. Who knew? Seriously, it is not entirely my fault, I think that Jen’s hair is also an issue. But can I back up our day? Like I backup the Mexico sewer system?

We started slowly, like we start all Mexican days. Easing into the day….do I have a hangover… COVID a thing today…do I need to have a coffee or a beer for breakfast? Today was a glorious day - no hangover, no COVID, sunny and hot. So we went on our walk and we’re deciding what the day had in store for us. But wait…..the shower isn’t draining…..scared to flush a poop….who do you call? Ghostbusters? Nope. Sewerbusters! So our current situation is: 
           1. okay to poop
           2. No showering

So that’s fine…. We are washing in the ocean. 

But seriously, it is not a poop issue. 

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