Saturday 15 January 2022

January 15

So today on Day 44 of Survivor Mexico we took a tour for our Challenge. We went to Motul to go to the Cenote Sambula. When we left the house Jen said we were going to a tsunami and didn’t even question it. We packed the beer cooler and blindly followed her. So we went to the cenote and we were fairly unimpressed - until we met Donna and Sam for lunch and they asked if we swam through the tunnel to the other side. Ummm, what? We could have swam away from the screaming 3 year olds?! Damn! I would have crawled across broken glass to get away from them.

Also, I am suffering from ridiculous blisters from, I assume, bug bites. Thursday they were hideous. My Mexican Doctor Jen diagnosed them as scurvy, then flesh eating disease, then shingles, then spider bites that would rupture and produce baby spiders (basically I am a host) and she then consulted with her Canadian Counterpart, who I believe specializes in feet, Shannon Beagle, and she believes it is staph infection. Regardless, it is disgusting. I will be attaching a photo so please do not look at it while eating. On Thursday I had 10. Today I’m down to 1 - the one Dr. Jen is convinced is full of spider eggs. Darren and Ryan, not my doctors, I didn’t actually do a consultation with them, are both convinced they will have to amputate. Darren said I am no longer Princess Stacy. I am now Pirate Stacy. Unsure what the next few days will bring- I am hoping there is no individual immunity and I can sneak through the next tribal counsel. I’ll keep you posted. 

Tuesday 11 January 2022

January 11

So, I am sure that everyone is quite worried about the status of our health concerns. Firstly, we had the Omicron so we only need to isolate/recover/lie for 5 days, less the time change of 2 hours, less the ounces of tequila we consumed for medical purposes, less the weight we have gained to fight the illness, less the hours we have slept in for additional recovery time, plus the night I threw up because I was pretty COVID-y/drunky for overall our recovery time was 16 hours. And we all made it through. But Jesus/Trudeau/West Jet said,”Fuckoff! You’re not invited back to Canada for another 7 days!” So, instead of coming home, in preferred seating, on the 12th, we have shitty seats and we are leaving on the 19th. Yep, fucking Canada is rejecting us. Fuckers don’t reject us on April 30th when it is the tax deadline. Nope, love us then! We would be invited back on the next plane. 
But, we re-booked and the started the next phase of our holiday. I’m not even sure this can be called a holiday anymore. I think this is an Odyssey. But, we had always planned to end our holiday in Holbox. Little did we know that it would be a commercial break in our, now, 24 day holiday…. I know that everyone has heard about The Island Of Misfit Toys? Well this is the Island of Skinny, 6 foot, Incredibly Beautiful, 22 year old, Mostly Lesbian, or Dating European Soccer Star Women. Fuck me! Can someone, please, discreetly, direct me to the Pretty Drunk, Slightly Chubby, Pass Out At The Beach, 50+ Island?! For the love of God, it is ridiculous! Even Darren asked, “Is there a mold for the women?!” But most of them have resting bitch face. Apparently it is painful to be 20, skinny and beautiful. 
But I digress, we arrived on the island as we arrive most places - slightly disorganized, slightly irritated and wondering why we left home (again, in this story - “home” is Darren and Jen’s house in Telchac) we literally had to search for a taxi to take us to our hotel. Then when we found the, aforementioned taxi, we had to convince him to drive us to our hotel. Our hotel that happened to be 500 feet from the dock - but still cost is $200 pesos and 45 minutes. Pretty much set the stage for the next 3 days. Expensive and not as great as D&J’s resort. But honestly, between the torrential downpours and the skinny bitches it has been wonderful. Beautiful beaches, delicious food, gracious people and fantastic friends. We have played 15 games of crib, 8 games of dice, 7 up 7 down and 4 games of Riffle so we pretty much have gained a bronze medal in Middle Age. We have been in bed by 9, complained about the “kids” partying until 1:00 a.m., talked about the midnight fights that woke us up and slept in every day. We are getting pretty good at holidays. Which is good news because we have another 68 days until we pass the physical to get us back into Canada. 
We will be starting Phase 3 of our Mexican Odyssey tomorrow. We have gotten (My English teacher at Mackie Academy would back hand me for using the word “gotten”) pretty good at ordering drinks from our waiter so when we return to Telchac I’m really hopeful that Jordyn will continue to serve us drinks in the manner I have become accustomed to. Sorry, to catch everyone up, when we went to Holbox Jordyn stayed at the house (she too was rejected by Canada). When we drove out of the yard Jord was waving goodbye and thinking, “Thank God they’re gone). 
Anyway, that was a quick update on our Holiday Within A Holiday story. I won’t even start talk about the 5 pound lobster that Ryan and I consumed tonight because I know everyone is already mad because we missed the 63 Day Polar Vortex that Alberta endured but know we too are struggling with weather. 2 rainstorms today that forced us off the beach that the European beauties were on but we all have our crosses to bear…..

Also - while we have been gone Betty White, Sidney Poitier and Bob Saget have died. Wtf - can’t you guys take care of shit while I’m gone?! 

Friday 7 January 2022

January 7

So today we have concocted an elaborate treasure hunt for the boys. I told them that they are pirates and they have to find the treasure. Jen and I are really working hard at devising these complicated activities to keep them from bothering us. But the good news is they have made some Mexican friends and, apparently, they all share the same passion for digging. We called the  Mexican wives last night and they agreed to let their husbands come over and be pretend pirates again today. I’ll keep you updated on their progress….

Thursday 6 January 2022

January 6

Firstly, Happy Birthday Clinton Casey. I have to rake a quick side note about our Mexico Adventure to discuss. Y childhood. Clinton was my best friend, my hero, the only other person in the world that my Grandma Jean loved and my cousin. We would fight about who was the oldest. We would fight about who was the quickest, we would fight about who Grandma loved the best - I lost them all…..except who Grandma loved the most 😉. That fucker was the oldest - that bothered me until we turned 30! Then suddenly, I was okay with it! I love you Strawberry! Happy Birthday from Grandma’s favourite!! 

So today…. Day 2198 of COVID. We are all okay and we are all no longer contagious. But suddenly we have new problems….. I will attach photos. 

So… we have an issue. I think I poop too big of poops. I think Mexico is not ready for my bowels. The Mayan culture existed for 3,000 years but ended at a Stacy poop. Who knew? Seriously, it is not entirely my fault, I think that Jen’s hair is also an issue. But can I back up our day? Like I backup the Mexico sewer system?

We started slowly, like we start all Mexican days. Easing into the day….do I have a hangover… COVID a thing today…do I need to have a coffee or a beer for breakfast? Today was a glorious day - no hangover, no COVID, sunny and hot. So we went on our walk and we’re deciding what the day had in store for us. But wait…..the shower isn’t draining…..scared to flush a poop….who do you call? Ghostbusters? Nope. Sewerbusters! So our current situation is: 
           1. okay to poop
           2. No showering

So that’s fine…. We are washing in the ocean. 

But seriously, it is not a poop issue. 

Wednesday 5 January 2022

January 5…Continued….

So I am not sure you guys know that Jord is stuck here with us. Jord is ready to walk home to get away from us. She is currently having an imaginary conversation with the West Jet lady:
West Jet Lady: Hello, can we help you?
Jordyn: Please, please get me out of here. Are you up to date with the current situation?
West Jet Lady: I would love to help you.
Jordyn: I need to get away from these people.
West Jet Lady: How sick are you? 
Jordyn: Not really. I won’t cough for the entire flight.
West Jet Lady: okay, we will get you in first class.
Jordyn: Can you send a chopper to Telchac to pick me up so I don’t have to spend anymore time with them?
West Jet Lady: absolutely, I will do anything I can for you. 
Jordyn: Okay, thanks, my mom wants to talk to you.
West Jet Lady: Okay thanks Jord. Click.
Jen: Hello. Hello? Hello, west jet lady? 

So We are all surviving. Except Jen, she got her period after a year and a half of not having it. So, she is going through menopausal puberty. I’m no doctor but I feel confident diagnosing her. 

And we can’t remember everything. Like the big bottle of white wine that disappeared out of the fridge (my money is on Jord) or the day we ate burgers, or the entire day of Monday or where we got COVID from but Jesus decided we get an entirely new holiday. He is giving us two more weeks in Mexico to figure shit out. So we will either come home with face tattoos or an adopted stray dog or without our husbands. But, honestly, we are still unsure of how we are getting home. But when this is over we are writing a book. How to Survive a Pandemic.

January 5

Okay - quick update…hot, margaritas, hangover, hot, COVID, beer, guacamole….wait. What? COVID?! Yep.COVID. We are no longer just fighting mosquitoes and hangovers - now we fight the ‘Vid. Thank God I’m at my fighting weight!

We all were convinced we had head colds and guess what?! We do! The worst part was yesterday when Jen and I were suffering from a hangover brought on from no where (well not “no where” but we could not remember the 2 martinis, eating spaghetti or the scorpion so we will chalk that one up to forgetfulness) we got our positive results. But good news - convalescing in Mexico is highly recommended. Still 30 degrees, still cold beer and lots of head cold medicine. We should be okay. No sure when we are coming home. Not sure how we are coming home. Pretty sure COVID is NOT a weight loss program. My multiple bug bites are 1,000 times worse than COVID. But don’t worry about us, worry about our husbands! If COVID doesn’t take them it will be shovel they didn’t even hear coming! This is a photo of us recovering…..