Saturday 30 December 2023

December 30

Well, it’s that time of year, my semi-annual blog. Why am I so bad at this? I have recently started bantering around a podcast thought but, my own lack of self control and absence of an ever-so-important filter, does give me pause on pursuing this idea. I can’t imagine how long until I was entangled in a lawsuit, I would be forced to create pseudonyms and, with my terrible memory for names, this also feels like a recipe for disaster. But on the upside - my awful grammar and spelling mistakes would no longer be relevant. I do talk to myself a lot, so if I did it with a microphone in front of me what would the difference be? Except I swear a lot. A lot. And none of the really bad ones are off limit. I would need to preference every podcast with a disclaimer, “Hi, it’s me. I apologize for my language, the content of this podcast, names I name, secrets I spill and those I offend. If that feels like it was directed to anyone listening now, then, fuck off now” Should weed out 80% of my audience. 

Anyway, I’m going to reflect on my year. Firstly, people who bitch about their year - stop. Unless you were diagnosed with cancer, had a death in the family or suffer from inflammation of your right knee (incidentally, I recently noticed my right knee has slight swelling. I can guarantee with 100% certainty that it was not a sports injury. If memory serves, I might be able to narrow it down to an unfortunate series of events at Shannon’s Nefarious 50th Birthday bash in Banff that resulted in a tripping event of the stairs…but I digress, back to a reflection of the year). All in all, I think it was a good year. But, having said that, I have to go back to my photos for quick reminder…

January - Ryan and I met Darian and Mike at Schott’s Lake for supper (quick recommendation for this little gem) 15kms west of Sundre and so worth the drive! Girls sleepover at Jen’s. Lots of cards, drinks and Jambalaya. Later in the month, there was a regrettable incident with the bobcat that required a lecture from Fuzzy and help from both Fuzz and Rory. But at this point I’m pretty much immune to Fuzzy lectures! 🙄


February - Even though it is a short month we managed to squeeze a lot into it. Ryan and I did a little winter get away to Fairmont. Stayed in the little Mountain View Cabins for approximately the same price as an all-inclusive to Mexico for 10 days. Had my carpal tunnel surgery and later in the month had my doctor and nurse (aka Darren and Jen) remove my stitches - spoiler alert: their bedside manner is terrible and I had to do a self-stitch removal 6 days later. Poker game, for no reason I can remember, and Shannon’s birthday. This is the beginning of my 2023 Support-the-Banff-economy-palooza. We were incredibly well behaved (apart from the “stair tripping incident” aforementioned). We had a wonderful time but also recognized that our 50’s now mean we MUST be in bed at a decent time, we all require adequate bathroom time, no longer for hair and makeup but now….💩 and Tylenol is now needed for hanovers, menopause, swollen knees, arthritis and head injuries. 

March - So Shannon’s party…..roughly $800…..on to Taneal’s Surprise Birthday Party! Where was it you ask? Banff!! Second phase of my Spring Banff Palooza. So God bless Taneal. I’ve known her since birth. Actually, earlier. I remember the weekend when Trena sat me down and said those words I knew were inevitable, “Newf and I are going to get pregnant”. I waited 18 years and 8 months for this party. Also, if you do not attend my 60th surprise birthday party (in 15 years😉) I will be personally offended. I can only imagine your surprise? Shock? Disappointment? Sadness? Uncomfortableness? Distressing? Awkwardness? When you walked into the Swamp Donkey and saw - Dan, Rachelle, Becky, Fuzz, Jen, Shannon and I! Not an 18 year old in sight for you to party with. Nope just us…your middle aged, pre geriatric friends, who celebrated our 18th at least THREE DECADES AGO. But have no fear you were in great hands, we would take care of you and not let anything get out of control….Then off to Cochrane were we met up with Darian, Mike, Colby, Suzie, Kyle and Dekker. Bringing the median age down 20 years for our medley of celebrators. On to Banff where Grandma Helen, Terry, Ginny, Grandpa Keith, Grandma Marcella, Colby, Jason, Tanya, Jill and Dallas all join us. Well, laws were broken, tears were shed, fights in hotel rooms, throwing up in alleys, drunk in restaurants, helped home by strangers, dancing until dawn, passing out in bathrooms and no memory of who paid tabs were all experienced! And none of the above were Taneal. Yep, we showed her how you do 18! I would be pretty proud but AT LEAST 2 of the above were me. Honestly, March was so hard on my liver. I forgot how hard 50 year old and 18 year old birthday parties are! 

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