Friday 5 November 2021

November 5

Warren Kolisnek is such a support. This is his morning text:
Warren: Is it a morning of Polygrip and a vitamin train? Mimosa’s with prune juice? 
And yesterday, when it took us 15 hours to get here:
Warren: “Did you make it tithe geriatric party yet? A weekend of bridge and lawn bowling. Maybe needlepoint in the afternoon with the evenings jam packed with. Good game of bingo”

So laugh is on you! We used to do needlepoint….in our 30’s!? Now our days are filled with (in no particular order): coffee….coffee again when we realized that last night, when we were fairly liquored, we forgot to put the filter in the coffee pot, then a couple beer, then a couple more with Clamato, then a game of dominoes, then we solved world hunger, then we had Caesars, then we were ready for politics, a healthy conversation about socialism versus capitalism (we know where I fall on that subject), the 45 minutes of 80 and 90’s karaoke (at a volume level that is 2 decibels lower than Woodstock), then vodka and Soda’s and we were ready for yoga. A solid 7 minutes of yoga and on to poker and Facebook stalking - which is difficult when your internet connection is spotty. A quick time check and it is 10:08. This is the moment we realize we are 50. We were all awake at 6:30. A.M. In. The. Morning. In the old days this would be when we were going to bed, but now we are awake then because we don’t want to alter our regular schedule. 

We had a very quiet day, where we were entirely responsible and made good decisions. And we are doing a lot of pre-planning for tomorrow. We are taking this shit show on the road. Pub crawl to Golden. God, fucking help us. 

Oh, shit, did I mention the mumu’s?

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