Friday 10 September 2021

September 10

Well, it was bound to happen eventually, my criminal activities have finally been recognized. Al Capone was caught through tax evasion, Ted Bundy was caught stealing a car…how was I caught? I answered my cellphone. Yes, an innocent, “Hello” and my world came crashing down. Here is an informal transcript of my damnation:

Me: Hello? (In a musical, lovely tone, eager to visit with whoever was calling me from Waterloo) 
Waterloo: Hello Anastacia? 
Me (thinking, “fuck, this must be serious?!): Yes?
Waterloo: This is Border Control and we are calling to inform you that there is a warrant out for your arrest.
Me: What did you catch me for? (Thinking of my various crimes)
Waterloo: This call is being recorded.
Me: Good, because I won’t remember what the fuck in confess to.
Waterloo: Recently a package crossed the border addressed to you with more than 4 different kinds of drugs in it, like cocaine and fentanyl and more than $94,000 dollars in it. 
Me: Which border?
Waterloo: THE border.
Me: That makes no sense. I sent the $94,000 to BUY the drugs. What drugs did I get?
Waterloo: Can you spell your name? 
Me: Will you spell it to me and I’ll tell you if it is correct….
Me: (I can read Anna Karina faster than I can spell my name…..this is a side note but can you not agree that when anyone names an innocent child Anastacia Jean Bardenhagen that it is some twisted form of child abuse? I think my mom was punishing me for being born breach. I was 7 before I could spend my name! And, by the way, as a fetus I knew I was going to be born ass first so the world could kiss it, well most of the world, not Waterloo….back to my story) A.N.A.S.T.A.C.I.A  B.E.A.V.E.R.B.O.N.E.S. (Now, I know that Anastacia Beaverbones is not my legal name but my Uncle Wade christened me Beaverbones before I could spell Anastacia and I thought I should honour that by sharing it with Waterloo)
Waterloo: That is not the name we have on file.
Me: Hmmm….that’s strange. I always get my drugs delivered as Anastacia Beaverbones. Is this why I am not getting my Free People packages?
Waterloo: You are buying free people?
Me: Well you cannot buy slaves through the mail….

Then Waterloo hung up on me! So I am sure that the RCMP will show up at any given moment. I might need a lawyer. But on a positive note I am getting at least 4 different kinds of drugs AND $94,000 but, alas, no slaves. 

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