Sunday 30 August 2020

Aug 30

I was working diligently on my April thru August recap of the world’s crazy news headlines but I became despondent realizing that 99% of the stories are negative. Why are we fixated on bad news? Do other people hardships make us feel better? Now, before anyone thinks I am standing on a soap box condemning all that is bad a proclaiming my own “holier than thou-ness” let me tell you I just watched a clip from a Taiwanese kite flying celebration where a three year old was tangled in the strings and was whipped around at 100 feet before being safely caught by by-standers (I am not completely heartless - it was a happy ending) but I did get a chuckle out of the ridiculousness of the situation. If you are as soul-less as I am I highly recommend watching the clip.....

Anyway back to my soap box - in my search for good news stories I found the following headlines “St. Bernard Rescued from Mountain Slightly Embarrassed”  or this beauty; “Elderly Grocery Store Bagger Finds Fame” now two things here: 
  1. I cannot be sure I used the semi-colon in the above statement entirely correct AND..
  2. WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT A ST. BERNARD OR A CARRY-OUTS CLAIM TO FAME?! (Please note I disregarded the age of the carry out so as to not be sited for ageism...)
We have to be better than this.... 

Again, I will take this opportunity to step down, carefully, from my soap box to mention, at some point in the future I will complain about the Trudeau/Morneau debacle or the “To Wear or Not to Wear The Face Mask” situation. 

Okay, back on the box.....

I am taking this opportunity to talk about a few things that I am encouraged by (and because I am slightly OCD I will list them....)

1. Our community. Now I know we all complain, and I encourage all forms of expression but it is my, I love Jason Nixon. We have an MLA who is very proud of his constituency. Tammy Burke - Mayor of Rocky, first of all my hats off to you for the position you are in, it is a difficult position to please everyone. I take some liberty because I am a County resident, and some of the Town issues are not mine, but I am proud that she is doing the best she can do in our current economic situation. 
2. Store owners right now....Brian Walisser (Oras Communications), Shawna Hulberg (Cherubs), (when you live in a small town everyone is known by their maiden name...), Tammy Jagt (Panago), Debby Baich (Home Hardware), Debbie Anderson and everyone else keeping their doors open during this trying time! (Debbie Irwin/Anderson, I know you closed Country Basics but I will never stop missing your store! 😔) We should do all we can do to support these businesses. I have to take a slight side note to acknowledge Garth Ingham. Garth owns Ingham Block in Innisfail, this jewellery store has been a family owned and operated small business since 1916 and he recently took the controversial position as to state his store is Mask Free. Hats off Mr. Ingham. Imagine a jewelry store that encourages anonymity.....again, I am impressed by someone saying, “ Um, no, I do not want masked people in my jewelry store.....”
3. Oil and Gas Industry. This is an industry that got its ass kicked. Seriously. Like watching a Bottom Bar fight circa. 1988. This industry is standing up, brushing the dust off, wiping away the blood and asking Canada, “What can we do?” I am a proud Albertan and Canadian. Enough said, I will need a higher soap box....
4. The 50/50 draw for the last Oilers game. Again, I love the passion of Edmonton Fans. Hats off, you love the game and support the community. Unfortunately, I did not win. I would be writing this blog from the beaches of Mexico raving about the virtues of the Mexicans had I won....
5. My family and friends. I think that everyone can probably say their family and friends keep them grounded and sane. Mine do. 

So no more complaints about the world we are in. Until next week when I bitch about Trudeau and Morneau and their disgusting elitism or the vandalism to Sir John A MacDonald statues. No, today I am wearing my rose coloured glasses enjoying the late summer weather.....

Also the senior grocery bagger - he was a 79 year old Mexican grocery bagger who was laid off during the pandemic and started a You Tube channel showing seniors how to cook....

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