Tuesday 27 November 2018

November 27

okay....I am going to spit ball a couple ideas......just stick with me......

What. If. Mary. And. Joesph. Actually. Had. Sex?! Just let me go with this, I’m going to recreate the birth of Jesus with a more modern (dare I say realistic?)option. So Mary and Joe, being the young teenagers they were and Joe being from the wrong side of the proverbial tracks naturally fell in love. Mary snuck out and met Joe and went to a party, imbibed in a little too much wine and one thing led to another....and.....Mary found out she was going to be a mom. It happens to the best of us, but Mary knew her parents were going to lose it and disown her.

So she met up with Joe and they chatted about options...

  1. Run run away to Jerusalem. 
  2. Or......what if they convinced Mary’s parents that she was pregnant with the King of Kings, The Redeemer AND (because she was STILL a virgin) that the father of this future little stunner was the Holy Spirit himself?! 
I totally would have gone with option 2. I mean I’m sure a few unwed mothers have run it past their parents. Bless Mary’s parents, they went with the story. 

But maybe her parents shared their good news with family and friends and there was some scepticism that started to spread and there was some doubt about the actual story surrounding the conception. (On a side note I am sure Mary’s parents were those ones that thought their child could do no wrong. She was the “best” at gymnastics and “sang” like an angel in the choir and couldn’t bear to think she would get pregnant out of wedlock). Anyway they confront Mary and Joe and the gig is up - they kick her out. 

So they hop on that donkey and get the hell out of Dodge and you KNOW they fought the entire way. Seriously, she was nine months pregnant and riding an ass through the hot, sandy desert with no end game in sight. This is how you know the bible was written by men - there is no credit given to this poor woman and her horrific burro ride only to go into labor and have to give birth in a barn. She was probably so happy to just be out of the saddle and not listening to Joe go on and on about his three uncles coming to visit and how “wise” they were and he could definitely work for him.

Anyway they have their little bundle of joy and start fighting about what they are going to name him. Imagine if Joe won the argument- Our Lord and Saviour Steve just doesn’t have the same ring does it?

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