Thursday 29 November 2018

November 29

I attended the Bighorn County Proposal meeting on Wednesday night. Below are the notes I made as well as any comments I made. I tried to include as many direct quotes as possible.


·         North Saskatchewan Regional Plan is the basis of this new plan. This has been given priority ahead of regional plan (I did sense desperation in this statement).

·         This will allow increased protection of the area.

·         They are not taking away recreational use – they are “enhancing” it.

·         This plan addresses “increasing industrial pressure”

·         There is “untapped potential for tourism”

·         My comments and questions to the introduction were:

1.       What necessitated legislated protect? Answer: Protecting the headwaters and the land use. This is a direct result from the Saskatchewan Regional Plan suggested.

2.       You talk about meetings with stakeholders yet there is no public consultations with Clearwater residents and they are your largest stakeholders. Why no public meetings? Answer: We are sharing with the residents via the feedback from the website and the telephone town hall. I responded with – Many people are not comfortable with online feedback or do not access to the internet and I have participated in telephone town hall meetings and they are terrible at best. I finally had to hang up because the quality was so terrible. I suggest you have town hall meetings open to the public. If this is a plan that everyone supports and encourages and you yourselves stand behind then you should get incredible buy in and if not then I think you are obligated to do further work.

3.       What determines the “Development Plan” after Jan 2019? No clear answer on this.


Provincial Parks:

·         3 parks planned:

o   David Thompson Provincial Park

§  From  Cline River to the existing park.

§  It would incorporate Two O’clock Creek, Kootenay Plains group sites and Thompson Creek

§  These existing campgrounds would be “refurbished with the ability to increase in future”

§  There would be private investment

§  My comments were:

·         Would random camping still be available at Preacher Point? Answer: Yes, they would fix the loop road and add outhouses and garbage facilities. I commented  the in my experience garbage facilities aided in littering, using the pull off at both Nordegg and along Abraham Lake. Those garbage cans are overflowing and usually not used. Garbage is set beside the garbage cans.

·         Private investment in a provincial campground? Please explain how this would look. Paul Radchenko, Team Lead, Land Use Planning Tourism Policy and Strategy Unit, responded that it could be ice climbing guides, rock climbing guides, fishing or hunting guides or comfort camping. I responded that many of those options are organic until we get to the comfort camping option. I am also leery of private investment – this is a vague statement that makes me uneasy.

o   Ya Ha Tinda Park

§  Existing trails would be kept

§  Again, potential for private investment

o   North Saskatchewan River Provincial Park

§  Upriver from the trunk road

§  Would continue to include river boat use

§  OHV use will continue

§  More formalized campground

§  Possibility of “camping huts” for canoers


Provincial Recreation Area:

·         4 Areas Planned:

o   Bighorn Dam

§  A visitor hub available

§  There will be “facility tourism opportunities”

§  Again, private investment opportunities

§  My comments were:

·         Again your verbiage is disconcerting. The use of words like “tourism opportunities” and “Investment Opportunities” are vague and provide fairly broad spectrum of possibilities. Do you understand that this lack of clarification makes it difficult for people to buy in to your plan? Answer: Truthfully I got no clear answer.

·         I am not opposed to development but this development does not sound organic. Paul Radchenko again said that they would be respectful of the area and said, “We wouldn’t for example put in a Ferris wheel at Bighorn” to which I responded – there is talk of a zip line at the da, that is pretty damn close to a Ferris wheel in my opinion.

o   Hummingbird

§  Rustic Fixed roof – wall tents and cabins

§  “Small scale tourism facilities”

o   Snow Creek

§  Expand the area

§  Nordic ski centre development

§  “Small scale tourism facilities”

§  Expand the campground

§  Ecolodge cabins

§  Four seasons development

o   Shunda

§  Would include Goldeye and Fish Lake – both sides of the highway

§  4 seasons resort

§  Ecolodge, hostels, cabins (please note: both of those words are plural)

§  “Large scale tourism facilities”


·         2 Planned:

o   Kiska

§  “mid to large scale accommodations”

§  “extensive outdoor recreational activities”

o   West Country

§  “mid to large scale accommodations”

§  Front country camping

§  Outdoor recreational activities

§  “Phased planning approach”

§  And camping “until an opportunity to develop recreational management plans”

·         My comments: Again the verbiage is so vague that you are covering all your bases. And your “until an opportunity to develop recreational management plans” is literally occurring in my back yard. So the fact that your legislating the use of my backyard I take issue with.


The West PLUZ if further split into 4 areas”

·         Braz River

·         Nordegg River

·         Prairie Creek

·         James River


I have lived in the area for my life, I have used the area, my grandparents lived and worked in Nordegg and this is a community that to this day is impressive for their tight knit family. This area had been used for 70+ years and has been self-managed and the footprint in the area is negligible. I take offense to the government coming in under the guise of “protecting the environment” when in actuality it is another form of control. This is an area I literally know like the back of my hand, we live on the Northfork Road - that is not a name on the map to me – it is real. The “Kananaskis to the North” or “Edmonton’s playground” offends me more than I could ever share. This is our home – where we work, live and play. It is so disrespectful and even more so when our elected officials will not even listen to our concerns. This could be the greatest plan ever developed and you have lost all buy in because of your delivery method. If this is intended to be Rachel’s legacy then let me reassure you it is not, her legacy will be confusion, deception and desperation.

 This a synopsis of the evening, albeit with my own interpretation included.  

Tuesday 27 November 2018

November 27

okay....I am going to spit ball a couple ideas......just stick with me......

What. If. Mary. And. Joesph. Actually. Had. Sex?! Just let me go with this, I’m going to recreate the birth of Jesus with a more modern (dare I say realistic?)option. So Mary and Joe, being the young teenagers they were and Joe being from the wrong side of the proverbial tracks naturally fell in love. Mary snuck out and met Joe and went to a party, imbibed in a little too much wine and one thing led to another....and.....Mary found out she was going to be a mom. It happens to the best of us, but Mary knew her parents were going to lose it and disown her.

So she met up with Joe and they chatted about options...

  1. Run run away to Jerusalem. 
  2. Or......what if they convinced Mary’s parents that she was pregnant with the King of Kings, The Redeemer AND (because she was STILL a virgin) that the father of this future little stunner was the Holy Spirit himself?! 
I totally would have gone with option 2. I mean I’m sure a few unwed mothers have run it past their parents. Bless Mary’s parents, they went with the story. 

But maybe her parents shared their good news with family and friends and there was some scepticism that started to spread and there was some doubt about the actual story surrounding the conception. (On a side note I am sure Mary’s parents were those ones that thought their child could do no wrong. She was the “best” at gymnastics and “sang” like an angel in the choir and couldn’t bear to think she would get pregnant out of wedlock). Anyway they confront Mary and Joe and the gig is up - they kick her out. 

So they hop on that donkey and get the hell out of Dodge and you KNOW they fought the entire way. Seriously, she was nine months pregnant and riding an ass through the hot, sandy desert with no end game in sight. This is how you know the bible was written by men - there is no credit given to this poor woman and her horrific burro ride only to go into labor and have to give birth in a barn. She was probably so happy to just be out of the saddle and not listening to Joe go on and on about his three uncles coming to visit and how “wise” they were and he could definitely work for him.

Anyway they have their little bundle of joy and start fighting about what they are going to name him. Imagine if Joe won the argument- Our Lord and Saviour Steve just doesn’t have the same ring does it?

Saturday 17 November 2018

November 17

So I started decorating my house. I am sorry, I am one of those people. I even apologize to the jaded Stacy who I fight with for conscience space. So to get in the Christmas spirit I have the Christmas carols cranked. My dogs do not appreciate the loud Christmas carols but to be fair they do not appreciate any loud music. While singing my heart out I realize how truly twisted these songs are!

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - talk about a child being forced to question his mothers integrity and morals. He may be witnessing his mother having an affair with...of all people...Santa Claus! Oh the humanity! This is a child that is going to need considerable therapy in the future.

Baby it’s Cold Outside - this poor woman is being held against her will with this guy that will just not take no for an answer. He may even be slipping a roofie in her drink. She is doing all she can do to convince her captor release her. Come to think of it, this could be the boy who saw mommy kissing Santa Claus who grew into a man with serious relationship issues. 

I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas- you know your child is spoilt when he asks for a hippopotamus for Christmas and only a hippopotamus will do. I am all for encouraging a vibrant imagination but I am getting the impression this child is on the demanding side of normal. If my child ever asked for a hippopotamus we would sit down and have a serious conversation about how life is going to disappoint him in innumerable ways if he expects large African animals are going to live in our basement. Dekker and I actually had this conversation when he sang, “I want a snake for Christmas and only a snake will do”. I actually believe my response was, “Not a fucking chance”.

Santa Claus is Coming To Town - He knows when you’re sleeping and he knows when you’re awake. You better be good for goodness sake....why?! Because this creepy old bastard is watching you that’s why! 

I do love Christmas carols - even the sick, twisted ones. Tomorrow my blog is going to be about Mary, and the improbability of a “virgin” having a child.....