Monday 21 October 2019

October 21

Okay kids, hold onto your seats, it’s going to be a bumpy ride....

I have to list everything I’m grateful for:
1. Democracy. I think we take this for granted. We get to vote, we might not like the outcome, but we all get a vote. 
2. Voter turnout. I was told, by two lovely ladies at my polling station, that voter turnout was 85% - 90%. I am impressed. If you don’t vote then do not get to complain. Get off your asses and vote - every time! When Darian turned 18 she was not excited about going to the bar she was excited because she got to vote. That is a parenting success. She has never missed a vote. Neither has Dekker - except when he was out of the country AND THAT’S NOT AN EXCUSE. He lost points for that one. 
3. Alberta and Saskatchewan are all blue - I’m sorry I refuse to acknowledge the one riding in Edmonton that voted NDP - please, Edmonton- I’m not sure what to say (and that very seldom happens). What the fuck are you thinking? Apparently not much. But to the rest of us - much love, admiration, solidarity and pride. We know what we are up against and we are holding hands and doing it together. God love us. And we will beat the shit out of Edmonton at a later date, behind the gym. Be there or be square.
5. BC - okay kids you did good. You increased your Conservative seats by 7. Good job little buddy but even GTA supported Conservatives more than Vancouver. It’s all about that god damn pipeline for you guys isn’t it. I am also disappointed that Jodie Wilson-Raybould didn’t get elected in her riding. No love for a woman that stood up for herself hey? BC talks the walk but doesn’t always walk the walk. Enjoy your gas prices. 
4. Wexit. Okay, this is going to be all we hear. I am a proud Canadian but I am an even prouder Albertan and damn I think it might be time. 

Conservatives increased their seats by 23 and the Liberals lost 30. That’s the best we could have hoped for. Unfortunately, it means listening to that sanctimonious little shit for another 4 years. Maybe if separatist talk gets serious then the east might start taking us more serious. Worked for Quebec. 

If we leave we take Jodie and Lisa Laflamme. But we leave Edmonton Strathcona. We will fence them in.

Quick update: Dekker just texted me. He tried to vote out of country but he missed the date. I will give him 1 pass. He was literally on a shrimp boat in the ocean for 2 1/2 months. And he looks homeless, actually he is homeless. 

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