Thursday 17 October 2019

Oct 17

Hey kids! Long time no blog! I just realized my last blog was July. That got me to thinking....why? I’ve never gone this long without an amusing story or thought. The reality is the world is bleak and, mother fucker I am tired of it. I’ve only done two serious posts before (when Tony died - love you baby, and when there was the mass shootings in Vegas at the country concert - fuck you anyone that will shoot people from a distance at people celebrating)

So I’m going to get some shit off my mind and then I swear I will do 50 more happy posts. 

1. This election. I am, obviously, a conservative. But I believe in gay marriage, I absolutely believe in a woman’s right to choose, I completely disagree with any and all types of religion and yet I proudly vote conservative. Firstly, if you love a man or a woman, it is no ones right to tell you that it is wrong. Be happy, treat people well, love and be loved. Abortion - I get it. I understand people disagreeing with it - I respect your decision. But, if you ever are in a position that you make the very serious decision to get an abortion then I support your decision. You never need to explain your decision to me. I understand and do not condemn. I know the decision is not made lightly - you have your reasons and thank God the country also supports your decision. And lastly religion- don’t tell me about your God or your beliefs - I don’t give damn. You can have them - that is your prerogative but don’t spew your shit to me. My beliefs are mine - I believe in God, I do not believe in religion. 

2. Climate change. Okay, have seat because I cannot deal with this World Is Ending Bullshit. I am not disagreeing that the human population has not had an adverse affect (or effect - this is always where I confuse the two. No definitely affect) on the environment but can we talk about this like adults? Climate change activists are part of this cult that happened before our eyes. There is no reasoning with these people. There is no rational discussion. The human population is affecting the world because of the sheer size of our population. Yes we affect it but the means of “controlling” it are where I take offence. A carbon tax. Hmmm.... Are we paying carbon? Does carbon cash our cheque’s and then say, “Okay Canada, you Roots wearing, beer drinking mother fuckers. You did good this year. I’m gonna wave (or waive - Jesus this is hard) your emissions this year” Is that how that works? I’m asking for a friend. I will say this until my dying breathe - Canada produces the cleanest, most environmentally friendly, ethical natural gas in the world. And FUCK YOU ELIZABETH MAY we are not going to be CO2 free by any year unless we have mass genocide. Sorry all you greenies (I am trademarking that term) but that is the truth of it. Yes, we can be responsible human beings and recycle and not litter and turn off lights we are not using but can we approach this topic rationally? We are not ever going to be zero emissions- no country will be. Ever. 

3. Our oil and gas industry. I. Am. Sick. And. Fucking. Tired. Of. Being. Vilified. Screw you Canada if you do not recognize the contribution oil and gas makes to our country. Fuck you Quebec for condemning our industry and then putting your hand out for our equalization payments. And fuck you for wanting to be recognized as an independent province with special rights but yet take our money. And fuck you for having the Bloc Québécois party and wanting to separate. Go. Just fucking go. Take your maple syrup, French speaking province and go. I love Canada but when the election results are decided before votes are counted in Manitoba then we have a serious problem. God bless the oil and gas industry. God bless the men and women that work incredibly long hours in harsh conditions, away from family and friends for weeks, if not months, in an industry that gets little to no credit. This is an industry that is proud, educated, resilient and industrious. We are environmentally friendly, we support our communities, we treasure our county and yet we are forced to defend our jobs to the rest of Canada and give hard earned money to a socialist system that does not recognize or support anything we do. I am not for a separation of Canada but damn it is getting harder to support a country that has so little understanding.

4. Trudeau. Where do I start? He is arrogant. He is spoilt. He is corrupt. He does not understand the average Canadian. He tried to pressure the Attorney General of Canada to save 9000 Quebec jobs. He broke ethics laws - twice?! He embarrassed Canada on his trip to India. He took a holiday on tax payer money to the tune of $200,000. He campaigned using taxpayers money. He gave $10 million dollars to Omar Khadr. He supports reintroducing known ISIS members into Canada. He wore blackface - multiple times. He (allegedly) sexually assaulted a woman. He (definitely) groped a woman. He does not support our veterans. He bought a pipeline he has absolutely no intention of completing. He lies to Canadians everyday AND PEOPLE ARE STILL VOTING FOR HIM!! Gerald Butts hand is so far up his ass directing his movements that it has to hurt when he coughs! He is spouting climate change and flying two Goddamn planes around him for this election - one for him and one for this props! I WISH I COULD MAKE THIS SHIT UP! I need to take a moment to get my blood pressure down....

5. Greta, damn Greta. Go home Greta. Take your momma and your poppa, your Tesla, your anger, your indignation, your ignorance, your opinions, your limited view and go fucking home. I do not understand parents that would parade your child around with your climate change hysteria. Greta go home and enjoy life. This is a wonderful world with amazing places to see and people to meet. This includes Canada. Come and enjoy our country, we have a lot to offer but do not come to our house and tell us what we are doing wrong. We are doing so much right. Acknowledge our successes. Acknowledge our incredible environmental standards. Acknowledge our unbelievable safety regulations. Acknowledge our technological advances with our oil and gas extraction. Acknowledge our gender equality. Anything other than that - go home. 

I need everyone that reads this blog to list 3 things that are good. 3 things they are thankful for. 3 things that make them happy. I am just so exhausted by the bad. My friend Brian (who you all know I love like the sister I never had) has recently quit Facebook because he couldn’t take the negativity and I get it - I also apologize for supporting the negativity with the above post - but it is my form of therapy so please indulge me....

Again, I promise to post a much lighter happier post soon...unless the Liberals win.....😉

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