Wednesday 17 January 2018

January 17

So today I was driving to Calgary this morning for a meeting and I was scrolling through radio channels trying to find Jack FM. I love that station but I can never remember where it is. Anyway I passed by 18 Christian channels and 6 French channels and I stumbled on a talk station. I abhor talk radio. Hate, hate, hate it. But they were discussing the 11 year old that claimed a white guy tried to cut off her hijab. This claim was quickly taken as gospel buy our illustrious Prime um Minister um, Justin, um Trudeau, Kathlyn “Notley’s Older, Worse Sister” and Toronto’s Mayor - not Rob Ford. 

As much as it goes against everything I believe in, I continued to listen. In anger. Setting aside this kids reason for doing this - bullying? Parents making her wear it? Really who cares? At 11 you know better. Why was it not an Asian or a Black man or another Muslim? I am not a racist - everyone drives me crazy. I don’t care what race, religion, gender, sexual preference, occupation, age or nationality you are - DON’T BE AN ASSHOLE. I don’t ask for a DNA swab before I decide you are an asshole. I am equally judgemental.

I am somewhat indifferent to immigration. Last I checked 95% of Canadians are immigrants. It would do well for some people to remember this. Whether you’re first, second, third or further - we are immigrants. Our grandparents or great grandparents all immigrated to this country for a variety of reasons but we assimilated. Sure our country is a “melting pot” of cultures but if your 11 year old child is claiming she was physically attacked, to an entire nation, because of her hijab then this family should be having a serious discussion about their reasoning behind wearing this garment. 

Now, before the whole “it’s in the Quran” blah, blah, blah. I don’t care. I also don’t care about the Bible. I cannot imagine that God would specially address women’s apparel. Really? I think he has bigger fish to fry. I wish the first chapter in all these books was: 1. DON’T BE AN ASSHOLE. 

I disagree with burkas completely, I think it is a ridiculous ideology that hiding a woman’s face and body will protect men from looking at them and having impure thoughts. Take off the burka and carry a taser. That too will discourage impure thoughts. And let’s address the elephant in the room - if you cannot control your physical urges then you are a sexual predator. Period. 

My only other immigration comment is, after assimilation, leave your extreme beliefs in the country you were being persecuted in. We are a peaceful nation, being lead by a moron. We enjoy hockey and bitching about the weather. Get a job, don’t be a burden on society. Don’t break the law (should be immediate deportation). Don’t bring your Muslim versus Jewish or Christianity nonsense here. Don’t be an extremist- in any religion - Baptist, Catholic, Islamic, Dutch Reform - you’re all fine. Your God loves you all equally. 

Anyway, this is why I hate talk radio. All I wanted was classic 80’s rock. 

And I decided the group that drives me the most crazy - slow drivers in the fast lane! 

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