Monday 2 October 2017

October 2

I know everyone read my ridiculous blogs when we were on our vacation but after the absolutely senseless shootings in Vegas and the injuries in Edmonton I have to share my heartache.

I don’t care about your opinion on immigration or gun control (nor will I share mine) this is heartbreaking. I’ve been to many concerts and hockey games (never a football game) and the intention is always to have a good time. Strangers sitting beside you will sing or cheer right along with you. It’s part of the joy of attending. 

I am so sad that this was taken from these people. I cannot comprehend an ideology and/or mental illness that would justify intentionally injuring strangers. Why? 

Please do not stop celebrating life. It’s too short and precious not to. Love your family and friends and carry on. Pray for the family and friends (or if not prayer) then best wishes and sympathy, for the people who were injured or lost their lives. 

Love you Edmonton and Las Vegas. 💜💜💜💜

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