Friday 16 June 2023

June 14, 15 and 16

Blogging is a full time job! So the 14th I woke up so sick. No hangover. Real sick. Head cold sick. The two jumps on the glacial cold lake may be contributing to my medical condition. I have taken every pill in my motorhome, in Jen’s motorhome, Shorty’s motorhome, Arizona’s motorhome next to us and I did ask Maine what drugs they had, but they quickly walked away from me. I would love to post the video of us jumping in the lake but honestly, me in my underwear, drunk, screaming fuck, soaking wet, is only something I would like you to only imagine. Seeing the real thing is so horrifying that you will see that nightmare every time you close your eyes. I couldn’t live with myself if I put you through that horror. 

Anyway, back to me being sick. Ryan, Jen, Fuzz and Alice took the dogs for a long walk and I slept. When I finally drug my sorry ass out of bed I, painfully, did the inside work to prepare for our departure. Our next stop was Wastson Lake, 325 kilometres away. Jesus take the wheel. Right away we saw our first herd of caribou, it did revive my will to live. The a couple big horn sheep, then a couple brown bears and then about 6 more black bears. And again amazing views. And the road got much better. I have to take a short side story to tell you about our tv in the front of our motorhome. Now remember, our palace on wheels is circa 2006. Just a quick reminder of how many years ago 2006 was - Nanny McPhee was released, Winter Olympics were in Italy, Paul Martin was our Prime Minister and dear, sweet Ralph was our Premier. That’s how old this mansion on wheels is. The television is 32 inch, tube tv that weighs approximately (rounding down) about 80 pounds. This flicker is going to fall out and kill Ryan, Turk and me and the following, horrific, car accident would kill Riggs. But until that day, this fucker makes the worst squeaking noise the entire way. Ryan is going crazy. We are driving down the road, Ryan is driving with his left hand and pushing the television back with his right hand. We stopped on the side of the road at a look out where outlaws would watch the river for the paddle boats to rob them. Ryan and I both talked about Grandma Jean - she would have loved it. She would have been the outlaw robbing the boats ❤️.I love that we have travelled with random people (all from the US) and we pass each other at different spots and everyone honks, and when we get to our destination campground, we all chat and wave. Gives you faith in humanity. Maine is still avoids us. So, we get to Watson Lake and it is the size of Eckville and you think we can find that fucking campground?! We drove around the residential area (not so easy to maneuver three 40 foot motorhome-1 of which is towing a truck - also, side, side not Cynder - your truck is still in the best condition, even though Howie drug it over a Cliff….anyway, not easy to maneuver these through a residential area when you have to whip a shitty) FINALLY found our campground (we drove past it 3 times) but this campground was a parking lot. A parking lot that you literally park 6 feet away from each other. The slide outs barely make it out without touching. But set up and went for a walk through the Sign Post Forest. Pretty impressive. You know how disappointed we were that we didn’t steal a sign in Rocky?! Motherfucker!!! If you guys notice a missing sign, please don’t comment. It was me. Then we walked over to the Northern Lights Centre. Next movie started in 30 minutes so Princess Alice of Australia and Ryan took the dogs went back to the motorhome and picked up Howie and Terry and came back to the Centre for the movie. We all paid the $15 per/person and the moved into these incredibly soft , comfortable chairs that laid way back, in a very warm room, with soothing music playing, with a narrator that had a deep voice and 5 of the 7 of us immediately fell asleep. Such a great sleep. At one point Ryan’s snoring woke us all up, and Jen (1 of the 2 that didn’t sleep) said, “Oh dear!” So Howie and Jen had to explain the entire movie to us (Spoiler alert - the movie was about northern lights) Anyway, back to motorhomes and had beef bourguignon and then to bed. 
June15 - I didn’t walk again but I heard from a reliable source (Ryan) that Jen was taking them on a 10 kilometre trek on a trail called “Wolf Trail” but they came back before they encountered any wolves. Out by 9:00 am and no one is more impressed than us. But I would like to say we were the first ones out but we were the last. I think 9:00 am is only early for us. But away we go. On this leg of the journey (480 kms) we saw 1 black bear, 1 brown and 1 grizzly. And I’m still dying. Coughing and crying, but slightly better than yesterday. Slightly. Our lunch stop was smokies and white wine. 2 of my favourite foods. All I could think the entire time we were driving was smokies and sauerkraut and jalapeƱos and onions and mustard. If anything would make me want to live it is a smokie. I know it is repetitive, but the drive, so great. So great. Arrived in Whitehorse and filled up with fuel and quickly found our campground - something new for us. Parked and it was was martini hour. We played a game of marbles (just as must swearing as usual it the game ended much faster) - Ryan won! We headed into Whitehorse for supper to The Dirty Northern. Delicious. We did cab it into town because we had all a few drinks! Met someone cab drivers from Somalia, India and Singapore. Supper was so good!
June 16 - we woke up so early to take the dogs for a walk because we did the White Pass rail line into Skagway. It was a 10 hour trip and, thankfully, Howie and Terry stayed back to watch our puppies. We went on the most amazing adventure. We touch a coach to Fraser and then got on the train to Skagway, it was terrifying, exhilarating and breathtaking all at the same time. We hit Skagway and bought some shirts and headed immediately to the bar. The Red Onion Saloon for a burger and beer. It as a lot of fun. The ladies are great! Jen and I were talking about what we would have done in the Klondike - open a store, open a hotel or be madams. Madams won, hands down! Also, I decided I hate the cruise ships. H.A.T.E. My lord Jesus, fucking people. I have to tell you an awful story - there was 3,000 horses that left Skagway, but only 30 made it to Whitehorse. The rest died. Dead. They said when you get out of line it could take hours OR DAYS to get back in line! Honestly this was only 1 of the many stories. I have to catch you up on the stories:
  1. Syphilis is the silent killer - this was a statement from Fuzz. I would like to give you context but I can’t. That’s is it. This is your CBC National Alert - SYPHILIS IS THE SILENT KILLER! He just blurted this out randomly. Yep, we are all concerned. 
  2. We were playing marbles and Princess Alice of Australia picks a piece of her hair out and says, so seriously, says, “I have so much martini in this part of my hair”. I couldn’t help her but I did pay attention to watch piece of hair because if we run out of vodka I will jump on her and find that piece of hair!
  3. Alice is very concerned she is picking up our offensive accent. Fuzz is giving her dialect training - so, God forbid, she is going to be saying “lawnd”, “acrossd” and “yawning” - but this is the awning on the motorhome. He is telling her to talk with her tongue on the bottom of her mouth. Yep, he is going pro. Alice did say, “Mocha” with a100%  Canadian accent and she was horrified. 
  4. When we were on the bus today we were sitting in the emergency exit and there was a braille sticker there and Fuzz said to Alice, “ This says, ‘In case of Emergency please pull this lever and exit the bus’” and Alice looked upon him in abject awe. She couldn’t believe he could read braille - he can’t. He was just rubbing his fingers over the bumps. And he is full of bullshit. 
So now we are sitting around the fire in Whitehorse, with a lady from Germany, who is now traveling with us…..stay tuned…..

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