Saturday 12 September 2020

Sept 12

It’s Jen’s birthday!! And only 364 days until she is 50.....but who’s counting? 

So we woke up this morning with foggy memories. We had to retrace our steps by reviewing our receipts that we have in our purses. There was no power at the house - a big truck took out a power pole downtown so we had no hair straighteners or hot water or coffee maker. But the draw of beer and wings was stronger than our concern about our personal hygiene so we called a cab (terrifying cab driver that was NOT amused by our sparking, witty personalities) and we took our shit show on the road. Went directly to the Whitetooth Brewery and started our Golden Pub Crawl.

This was the best we looked and felt all really did go downhill aft that. Whitetooth was great. Great server and great beer. But the ball was rolling.....

We left there and accidentally stumbled into the Cannabis store. We just looked........😉

Then a little shopping. I bought boots but they were on sale so it doesn’t count. To the Rockwater for margaritas. I just have to do a little side note: I am so fucking sick of COVID. So in BC they have started a curfew. Bars and restaurants are not allowed to serve liquor after 10 pm. Because one of the little known facts about COVID is that you can only contract it after 10 if you are drinking. Seems to make sense! 🙄I feel so bad for these small businesses during this ridiculousness - us girls decided there and then that we are supporting these businesses. So we ordered another round. Also our servers name was Alexa. It was quite convenient to ask her questions: “Alexa - what’s the temperature out”, “Alexa - can you make us reservations”, “Alexa - tell us a joke”. Again I think sometimes we are the only people that think we’re funny. 

So on to the Island for martinis. We had appies (because at this point in the day food is no longer negotiable). So one martini and a bottle of wine, some appies and off to The Wolfs Den. Before we left The Island we bought the most delicious salsa that the kitchen jarred it for us. But it is black market salsa. I said it is crazy that we can walk down the street with legal drugs and illegal salsa. If I got busted for the salsa I would be pissed!! 

Our server at the Wolf’s Den HATED us. Hated. H.A.T.E.D. US! We decided he must have been gay because he was immune to our wily womanly ways. We giggled and bantered with him and nothing. I believe he may have rolled his eyes. I think if we could review the film from last night we were loud, swearing and repeatedly asking him why he didn’t like us? I guess it will have to remain one of life’s mysteries- like Stonehenge or the Cadbury secret. 

So at this point everything becomes fuzzy. 

When I woke up this morning I thought.....did I contribute to the Wolf’s Den Bill? Then I thought - FUCK! We were going to get the cab to take us to the liquor store for more beer and we didn’t- we just came home. So Trena woke up and I asked her, “Did I give someone money for the bill” - Trena said “No, you paid.” Oh - thanks. Glad we cleared that up.  But, I said, we didn’t buy beer. Yep. We did. I said - who went into the liquor store to get it. Yep - me and Trena. Glad we cleared that up. I do remember asking the cab driver how much it would be to drive us to Banff for last call (another fact about COVID is that in Alberta you can drink liquor after 10 and not get COVID - I know, crazy right?! But listen,  I don’t make this shit up - Nope that is the government’s job) Anyway, I believe it was cost prohibitive to go to Banff - or at least we could find no Banff receipts in our purses so we are assuming we didn’t go there. 

And I love Trena and I pick her over red AND white.....She’s the best. And she doesn’t snore. And she’s pretty. And the best at dice and marbles. Trena....are we good?

Friday 11 September 2020

Sept 10

Girls Trip...

I don’t think that boys understand what goes into this weekend. This is some of our considerations when you are planning: 
  • What are your best pyjamas? Fuzzy? Short legs? The ugly ones that are the best ever?
  • Is it awkward if you bring 5 bottles of wine? Do they understand that those 5 are for me and not to share?
  • If I drink my 5 with those bitches love me enough to share theirs?
  • What if my Friday makeup is still on on Sunday? Can I pass that off as ‘going out makeup”  I’m asking for a friend.....
  • Do we really need food?
  • What is more important- red or white?
  • What is more important Trena or martini mix? 
  • So if we decide that red and Trena are the most important- do we need a change of clothes? 
  • What if I wear ALL of my clothes (similar to the Shakelton Expedition to the North Pole) does that mean I can bring one more bottle?
  • Am I willing to pay PST in BC to buy beer in this province?
  • If someone writes some shit on our vehicle because we have Alberta plates is that a solid defence for man slaughter? 
  • How much is a cab from Jens cabin to Golden so I don’t have get a lawyer to defend myself from man slaughter?
  • How many years do you do for man slaughter?
  • If I know who I want to kill does that make it premeditated?
  • If we get pizza delivered how much do they charge?
  • Do we have to wear masks if we go to the bar in Golden?
  • Should we institute a “Weigh in and Measure” requirement to be allowed to B.C.?
  • Can my weigh and height be the standard that we judge all of us?
  • Will Jord bring a Oujia board to Golden?
  • Can we move to Golden?
  • What is the provincial tax  rate in B.C.? 

So these are some of my questions/concerns. Also, just for context, while I am writing this, I swear to God this is what I just heard....”Trena did you just tickle my asshole.” I cannot be sure, but I think it was a question not a statement. I need to sign off so I can hear the rest of this story....