Thursday 7 May 2020

May 7

A short list of things that really bother me....that are not Coronavirus related.....

1. Madonna. Every incarnation of her bothers me. Have you ever watched an interview with her? She is narcissistic, shallow, arrogant and not that smart. And I’m not sure what is going on with her face right now - Botox? Injections? It is awful.
2. Killer hornets. Really? Why? Who is responsible for this? Before you answer, I know, the Chinese. They seem to be responsible for everything! Ryan and I honestly had a dead one in the yard 2 years ago (we are actually arguing about whether it was 1 or 2 years ago or if it was still alive or dead) but it did traumatize me. It was incredibly big. Another insect to add to my long list of “Insects to Avoid”.

3. Uncomfortable bras. I know I lose 1/2 of my audience with this one but why is it so hard to design a comfortable bra. We can send a man to the moon but we cannot make a bra that you can comfortably wear for 8 hours? Oh the humanity! 

Okay, tomorrow 3 things I like.....

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