Wednesday 3 April 2019

April 3

Well....we jet ski like we do everything else.....badly. We lost 3 pairs of sunglasses, Brian’s jet ski was broken (fouled spark plug), Jen got a fat lip and I was bucked off - on shore - and got a mild concussion. That didn’t stop me at the end of the day, declaring to Ryan “I WAS BORN TO JET SKI!” I think that declaration was provoked by the Mimosas, beer, sangria and margaritas because yesterday when I woke up I couldn’t walk, literally. Jen and I were both very handicapped for the day, Jen had a hard time cutting bacon and walking down the 5 stairs to go to the bathroom was equivalent to walking to Base Camp on Everest. We rode the jet skis down the beach to have breakfast (ceviche and margaritas) and it was pretty much downhill from there. We rode about 3.5 kms and Brian and Kim had wiped out twice. When we stopped Kim was putting on a brave face but she truly hated us all. Brian brought her back to our beach (and her book and a bottle of sangria) and we headed down the beach, until we decided that Brian’s jet ski had a fouled plug, we beached the jet skis to do a mechanical overhaul and that’s when my jet ski violently threw me off. So we were only about 8 kms from home but it took us 4 hours to get home. Fuzz rode the broken jet ski back so we tried different combinations - Jen and Brian, me and Brian, Ryan and Brian, me and Jen, me and Jen AND Ryan. I wish someone could have flown a drone beside us to see the train wreck we were. Yet I still felt confident enough when I reached the shore to declare, in a Leo DeCaprio like way, “I WAS BORN TO JET SKI”. 

We went out for supper and after a cocktail, us girls decided a nice bottle of red would be necessary. We called our waiter, Gorge, over and asked about vino tinto (red wine to you English speaking people) and he happily brought us the wine menu. We perused the menu and talked about the merits of merlot, cab sauv and blends, but we all decided that Pinot was a hard no. Cab sauv it was going to be. We again called our smiling waiter over to the table and using our best Spanish we pointed at our choice. Gorge, still smiling shook his head - “Don’t have” - okay, no problem, like true wine connoisseurs we have a second choice - we point to the blend. Still grinning Gorge shakes his head, “No”. Hmmmm. Okay a merlot? Oh Gorge, you happy little bastard, “No, no” so we change tactics - we ask him to pick. The entire menu is available to hm and he points to the Pinot - “That’s all we have”. I love that he brought us the menu, let us go through the motions of choosing and then gave us the only bottle in the restaurant. We drank it and loved it.

So yesterday was a blur of sunburns and sore muscles. We avoided the sun and chose option B - a movie in an air conditioned theatre in Merida. Today is our last day and it’s early enough to not know which was it will go.....could be a runaway.....

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