Friday 22 June 2018

June 21

I love to shop. I do. It’s my crack cocaine (also, interesting side note - my phone does not recognize the word “cocaine” hmmmm.....interesting. I’m trying a few other words......marijuana (nope - knew that one) .....hermaphodite (nope - knew that one)...methanphetamines AHHHH!!! Did not recognize that word!!!)

Well life lesson - my iPad is now my moral compass. Obviously my iPad is trying to steer me clear of hard drugs but it has no problem with me doing recreational drugs. It also, apparently, has no issues with hermaphrodites. Intersesting. I already know that no matter how many times I spell “fuck”it still prefers “duck”. Well I’m sorry iPad but I am the creator my own fucking (not ducking or rucking) destiny!!! But we are on the same page about coccaine and meth.....

Anyway back to my shopping addiction.... My iPad may have issues with drugs and swearing but it is also the tool with which I online shop. It’s all about helping me then. It is my personal assistant then. I start to spell Ana......and immediately up pops Anastacia. Then Rock.....and there is magically appears.....Rocky Mountain House!! It is enabling my addiction. Almost encouraging.... 

I’m casually browsing Facebook (definition: stalking everyone) and up pops an ad for the fucking cutest blouse I have ever seen. I cannot comprehend how I have existed without owning this shirt! I see myself wearing it at work, walking hand in hand with Ryan down the beach, bicycle riding for bagels in it (my imagination is incredibly active...actually, in my imagination I’M incredibly active). Then I buy the aforementioned blouse, which I discover is priced in U.S. dollars, plus shipping and handling which is twice the price of the shirt and I finally get it, delivered to Brian Walisser at Oras Communications, your friendly Purolator delivery location (Brian - that is $20 for the advertising) and the goddamn thing is too small, linen - which everyone knows makes you look like a wrinkled homeless person! And the cheapest piece of clothing that a 6 year old Tiawanese child has ever made! Oh the humanity. Now you are pot committed to the shitty shirt you KNOW you will never walk down the beach wearing because you belly roll sticks out the bottom, your back fat where your bra strap is is visible from 100 feet away and there now is red wine spilt down the front because you needed a drink to calm yourself down, but the fucking sleeves are so tight you can’t get the glass to your mouth so you just attempt to toss wine in the general direction of your mouth. I mean not that it has ever happened to me, just that I could happen. You know, in the off chance I, potentially made a bad purchase.

Also - the models. Please bitches, gain some weight. Like 40 pounds. I would love to go a site and see women with a spare tire modeling a tank top. Back fat in a dress. A sleeveless dress worn with arm wings - you know - when you stop waving at someone but the saggy part of your arm keeps waving. A shoe model with cankles. If I went to the  Aritzia site and there were women there that were 170 pounds modeling pants that advertised a forgiving waste band that ensured your belly would not over-power the waste line and poke out overtop - I would buy a pair in every colour. I have completely stopped shopping at Lulu. They sell lies and deceit. No one that skinny smiles that much. There mouths smile but their eyes say, “I want bacon and a beer”.

My clothing choice now begins with:

  • Can I sleep in that?
  • Will it hide stains?
  • Do I have to EVER iron it?
  • Can I wear it to work/camping/golf/to a wedding? 
  • Can I bend over in it?
  • Does Jen already own it in a smaller size (skinny bitch - I hate it when we wear the same outfit - it’s like the “Before” and “After” picture.....)
  • Will it cover my belly/bum and still look chic and stylish?
Anyway, that’s it - I’m thinking that mumu’s could be an option. Fuck sakes! My phone does not recognize “mumu”! 

Monday 11 June 2018

June 11

 I have to acknowledge the 1 year anniversary of my blog. Yay me....but not really. I had unrealistic expectations where I was going to blog daily (😳) and I would be universally loved. Now realistically....if I have not offended at least 1 person to the extent that they would abandon me then I consider this a failure. I am one of the most abrasive, horrible people I know. I dislike 98% of the children I know, I would love to name names of the people that piss me off regularly (if you’re close to me you know the names but I am too scared of liability to actually put pen to paper) but maybe I can drop a letter regularly and if you’re smart enough you will know who I am talking about..... ickaronasha....or...pig...Latin......

Anyway, I would like to promise more, regular bogs but I can’t. I am lazy and scared of repeating myself. I have abandoned the idea of retiring on my snappy wit. Now I am afraid I am exposing my real personality- shallow and easily bored! 

As I reflect on my past year I would like to acknowledge some of my achievements and non-achievements...

Achievements: (total side note: my first failure would be spelling “achievements”. I butchered the spelling so baldly that my auto correct suggested “actual tsunami”....)
  1. I have not killed anyone. Do not underestimate this achievement. It is substantial.
  2. I watched 4 full Netflix series. In 4 nights. Not particularly busy nights...but still an achievement. BTW - I highly recommend Peaky Blinders. But with subtitles....
  3. Still fat. Probably fatter than 365 days ago. Who are we kidding? Definitely.
  4. A better person. Okay, wrong list.
  5. More laugh lines than 1 year ago. Absolutely true. Whether I laugh at myself or you, I most definitely laugh.
  6. Tried to be a better person...never mind...refer to #4.
  7. Loved more. And stronger. Absolutely. Kim and Brian this is for you. I found a depth in myself that I didn’t know was there. I know I would do anything for you both. Except donate a kidney...or a part of my liver.....for obvious reasons.
  8. Recognized the beauty in my left breast. I apologize profusely to this previously uncredited mammary. You, dear left tit, put the “Princess” in “Princess Stacy”.
  9. Celebrated 26 years with my neglected, abused, extremely loud husband. I LOVE YOU RYAN (that is the tone I hear everyday)
  10. Made people laugh. I love when people say that they read my blog and laugh. Honestly, life is too short and horrific not to laugh at the absurd, ridiculous things around you. And if those ridiculous, absurd things are me or my life then please laugh, God knows I do. 
Now for my Non-Achievements (I hesitate to call them “Failures”):
  1. Not lost the 50 pounds that I had high hopes for. Nope, still there...actually the 50 I know and have come to love invited a few more pounds over to join the jiggly party I create every time I move. 
  2. Stared doing yoga. Yoga-ing? Yogaling? Jesus, I’m not even sure of the terminology. I am not bendy. At all. And if I bend I probably fart. God I am sexy. 
  3. Being sexy. Rolls, un-bendiness, snoring, constantly wearing sweats, unexpectant eyebrows on my chin, swearing like a sailor....Christ the list is long.....
  4. Stopping swearing....shit...piss...fuck...damn....hell.....I cannot stop. Because people fucking piss me off every damn day! Shit! Hell! And you’re welcome for me refraining from using the worst one.... 
  5. Found Jesus. The fucker might be hiding from me. Are we even sure he’s lost? I have watched a lot of America’s Most Wanted and never was Our Lord and Saviour mentioned. I think it is a conspiracy created by the NDP. 
  6. Becoming a millionaire. Tried. Tried hard.
  7. Becoming Prime Minister. Now, I think I’m actually bowing out of this race permanently. I’m still hopeful I can be Premier. I think I can...I think I can.....
  8. Learning the word to the songs that I always sing. I think that my words are better...honestly who actually knows all the words to Me and Bobby McGee?! You fuckers know you fake some of them!
  9. That’s it. I have to wrap it up at #9. I think that I set the bar pretty low so pretty much everything is considered a win. 
Just to let you know, I love you all and that you for listening to my blog, diary, secret inside thoughts. And please know at anytime, I will call upon you for an alibi.