Saturday 5 January 2019

January 5

In my constant attempt to be a better person (or at least someone who is not on trial for manslaughter) I am going to only share positive thoughts on Facebook. This is going to be an epic task. I would like to describe my style as “passionate” but before I try to calm my temper I am going to get a couple things off my chest:

1. Bighorn Proposal- now Shannon Phillips is claiming bullying. With all due respect Ms. Phillips, we are not bullying anyone. We are passionate and protective about our backyard. We are stewards of the West Country. We feel YOU are bullying us. You are pushing through a proposal that makes no sense - for your own parties political gain. We feel cheated, lied to and ignored. We are not bullying, we are exasperated. Now enough on the topic. I will complete the survey 200 times. I will vote UPC in the next provincial election and hope Mr Kenney will listen to our concerns before making any decisions that will directly affect our livelihoods. 

2. Yellow Vests - I agree on principle BUT I am not anti-immigration. I am pro-responsible immigration. Canada is a melting pot, I learned that in Grade 4. I looked around my at my classmates and recognized many skin colours, nationalities and in later years, I also recognized sexual orientation. I am very anti-hate speeches and ignorance. It is a big wide world, and I believe that 95% of our population wants to live a pleasant, happy life. I refuse to listen to the 5% that are exhausting with their doom and gloom opinions. My life is too short - so is yours.

3. Anti Oil and Gas/Carbon Tax - to those people who believe carbon tax is going to improve emissions or that shutting down the oil sands is going to make unicorns and leprechauns appear sprinkling pixie dust on us all - I would like to take a sip of your lemonade. Seriously, it must be glorious to be that self righteous and indignant that we pro-oil satanist are destroying your planet. Before you climb up on your pedestal take a moment to realize what you are saying. Canada will become a third world country. Albeit a third world country that hand out honorary degrees to the like of David Suzuki (one of the most hypocritical people ever) and host to the Decaprios and Fonda’s of the world. Do you realize Canada, until very recently, still mined and sold asbestos to second and third world countries?! Where is your social indignation over that? Oil and gas companies are extremely environmentally responsible. No more than that - oil and gas companies lead all industries in funding environmental programs. Not only that - they employ (directly or indirectly) most Albertans as well as donating heavily to social programs and local programs. So if you have anything to say about oil and gas it should be a gracious and heartfelt thank you.

4. Notley and Trudeau. We live in a democracy. Thank God. We have freedoms that most of us take for granted. Thank God. We, this is a collective, royal “we” - voted both of these parties in. I respect anyone who votes. It is my right to argue with our government policies. I am, quite obviously, right wing, but I do not agree with all of their policies either (I’ll get into this in point 5) but this is our current government. Ms. Notley, I think she is an excellent person to have in an opposition party, however I think she is in over her head and has been for the entire term. Please let me clarify, her party, not her. I give her much credit for service and think she has had a lot of obstacles but none of those are related to her gender. I think she has handled herself admirable, however this makes no difference in my vote - it will most definitely be for the UPC. Now Trudeau - I think Casey from Mr. Dress Up would do a better job of governing our country that this spoilt, self-intitled, arrogant momma’s boy could ever do. He has treated Canada abominably. He has embarrassed us repeatedly. How was he even a successful drama teacher?! He couldn’t give a speech if his life depended on it. I pray that he is ousted in October- I’m sure he will have a wonderful career ahead of him kissing the UN’s ass.

5. UPC - okay guys and gals - don’t fuck this up. Learn from past experience. Don’t take your leadership for granted. Have Albertans backs. Defend us against terrible federal policies. Let’s weather this volatile gas market and encourage investment in our great province. Have the balls to stand up against C69. Draw some hard lines in the sand. And for the love of God and all things holy - Bill 24 - support it. Do not become involved in outing children to their parents. Any sex education or sexual orientation is none of the governments business. It’s not your business and it’s not mine. 

Okay, got that all off my chest now onwards and upwards with 2019 - only happy funny posts.